Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] she had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nora had been prepared for almost any response from John , except the one she got — or thought she had got .
2 She was busy stuffing our cupboards , the fridge and the freezer with the food and supplies she had brought from the town .
3 He looked round , and realized she had cleaned the whole office in the hour and a half since he had seen her .
4 Just as she , Fru Møller , was adjusting to the need for a doctor and the possibility of a corpse at The Tamarisks , the same Miss Danziger did the rounds of the tables apologising for the shock and upset she had caused .
5 Through shame and fear she had lost him once , a long time ago .
6 He looked round for Catherine and found she had vanished .
7 She remembered Jeff and the deep affection and caring she had felt for him .
8 It was as if , all of a sudden , all the hidden anxieties and fears she had hidden so expertly were now overwhelming her .
9 The house smelt damp , of course , and there was a thin layer of dust everywhere , but there was none of the squalor and decay she had feared .
10 By the 1970s the business had dwindled to near extinction , before being rescued by a clever and resourceful lady called Sheila Pickles , who bought what remained of the enterprise and discovered she had acquired a wealth of recipes and formulas .
11 She flew out of bed , out of the room , across the landing , down the stairs , treading as heavily as she could and wishing she had hobnailed bats on instead of bare feet !
12 She took the oath and swore she had seen me drunk .
13 He would never come back home and find she had left an angry note of farewell on the pillow .
14 It would be awful to get up next morning and find she had drifted down the canal .
15 Those who understood this might leave a swatch of fabric lying around so that Laura could pick it up and believe she had discovered it herself , even if they had been trying to persuade her to use it for months .
16 I cried after the girl had gone and he seeing my distress and I explaining I feared your anger he put his arms around my neck and comforted me and said he was sure his real mother could not but love her sister and believe she had acted for the best .
17 And suppose she had left marks on the floor of the taxi ?
18 Her 6–2 6–3 drubbing of Turkish No 1 Ismet-Duygu Aksit took only 55 minutes , and meant she had surrendered only 20 games in her five qualifying matches .
19 Following article in the last issue on ‘ returning to work ’ felt that there was another side to the coin and felt she had to put pen to paper to balance out various viewpoints .
20 She was still in the dark coat and dress she had selected for the Jockey Club hearing and Nick was in pinstripes .
21 She was aware of her mother 's raised eyebrows and knew she had to give a reason .
22 AS A small girl Arden saw A Flea in Her Ear and knew she had to go into the theatre .
23 ‘ If you like , ’ she replied , and knew she had infuriated him when he thrust his hands into his pockets as if to prevent himself from taking hold of her and shaking the daylights out of her .
24 She checked the number on the polished brass wall-plaque and knew she had arrived .
25 Then she remembered the woman 's anxiety , and knew she had to keep it to herself .
26 When I ran into the kitchen the oven was lying on the ground and thought she had done it .
27 Sturdy as the white blancmange that Léonie hated and thought she had left behind in England .
28 But even in her anger she also knew she could not add anything more to the heavy burden of worry and doubt she had seen her father was already carrying .
29 The anger and hurt she had felt gathered together in one anguished cry .
30 It was an ancient emotion for Blanche , calling her home from the wasteland of tension and anger she had tramped across for the past few months .
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