Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] you [to-vb] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now I need to know who paid you or blackmailed you to call me in the weighing room . ’
2 ‘ Is that the best explanation you can come up with for the fact that I do n't lie down and beg you to take me ? ’ she shot back , her temper well and truly up now .
3 Yet now , ’ his look was amicable , ‘ you , Miss Kingsdale , with your haughty manner ’ her haughty manner ? ‘ wish me to at once revoke my plans and allow you to ask me endless work-orientated questions . ’
4 I thought of going to Vetch Street while you were on your rounds , waiting for you , and begging you to take me back , as a skivvy , nothing more , just to be near you , however much you despised me , and hang all worthless pride , and then you came .
5 I 'll go through it again once we 've seen the film , and ask you to give me the main points that came out of the film .
6 You 're so sweet I just wanted to throw myself on your mercy and beg you to help me .
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