Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it back in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She said I 'd have to pay the full amount or put it back in the freezer , ’ said Mr Parker , of York .
2 It was long since Adam had thought of him so , and he gathered the warmth of their recollection to him as gratefully as if he had salved one bleached and solitary bone of the beloved right hand out of the Severn , and laid it back in holy ground .
3 Right go and get that sword in the pampus grass and bring it back in here .
4 He shook out the handkerchief and stuffed it back in the top pocket of his jacket .
5 His score was later duplicated by Carl Watts ( Hawkstone ) , who notched five birdies and got it back in 31 .
6 Cos if it is , how much are we gon na have to pay for it , and why and what can we do to try and bring it back in .
7 It 's perfectly acceptable to thaw food , such as meat , cook it and put it back in the freezer .
8 The first members of the teams run up to the suitcases and put everything on , run round the back of the rest of the team and then take everything off and put it back in the suitcase before running back and touching the next member of the team who repeats the process .
9 Anyway , everybody rushed out into the kitchen and cook found some ice and wrapped it up in white cloth and then this woman picked up the toad and put it back in the garden but with the ice in her hands .
10 Jim shuddered and put it back in the bag .
11 He folded it neatly and put it back in its envelope and stared into space for a minute .
12 Put the flour back in the tube , clean the tube again and put it back in the warm place .
13 ‘ Look on my works , ye mighty , and beware , ’ he said to the statue , prised off his bubble-gum , examined it for impurities and put it back in his mouth .
14 Rem it rem it out and put it back in later and see if it crashes .
15 Loretta shrugged , took the photograph from Bridget , and put it back in the drawer .
16 Schellenberg shivered and put it back in the envelope .
17 If anything , there was something almost tender in his look when , ‘ Poor drahá , ’ he murmured gently , while at the same time he moved a hand to where her shoulder-strap had fallen down , and put it back in place again .
18 and it was just a case of erm pot luck , I would sort of brought it out and looked at it and , er no it was n't cooked , it was cooked on the edges so I turned it over and turned it round and put it back in again .
19 but I 've only , in fact , used ten because someone took the microphone in and put it back in the wrong place .
20 but I 've just took number five out and put it back in box , cos it tells you number five , number three
21 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
22 And if they get together neither wants to pay because they have n't done anything , we 've only taken the stuff out and put it back in again .
23 If you take the present notion of the galaxies and run it back in time , it would seem that they should all have been on top of each other at some moment between ten and twenty thousand million years ago .
24 I think it 's only a question of taking it out turning it round and screwing it back in again .
25 One was heard to complain ‘ we were shipping the money to New York in boxcars and getting it back in tips ’ .
26 Nigger picked up his scotch and tossed it back in one easy movement .
27 He went and brought it back in .
28 It goes in the cokes mid-afternoon you leave that until next morning and take it out , put in a clean muslin and turn it back in the coke and more pressure until the next morning .
29 The red silk dress had been exchanged for a slender column of midnight-blue sequins that caught the light and spun it back in dizzying rainbows of colour .
30 He was obviously embarrassed at his lack of preparedness and when he saw me glance involuntarily at my watch he grew more agitated , pulling his pipe from his mouth and putting it back in again , tucking the hammer under his arm , rummaging in a large box of matches .
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