Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it be not " in BNC.

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1 As enforcement of water pollution regulations places demands on polluters of time , manpower , and money , one of the basic premises informing routine pollution control work is the assumption that every discharger has a substantial economic incentive to evade enforcement : ‘ Everyone will try to get out of it , or say it was n't them . ’
2 I wondered what would happen if I ignored the call or pretended it was n't me , but I had a strong feeling that they knew it was me .
3 So if you programme for something which fails to materialise , then you should not blame or punish yourself , or decide it was not meant to be .
4 M. Dupont held up his hand , though whether to acknowledge the applause or to stem it was not clear .
5 Anyone got any objections to it , or think it 's not a good idea , do say .
6 The importance of affirmation With regard to football it perhaps does not matter very much — people who like playing it or watching it are not likely to be seriously affected by our negative comments ; they will just think that we are stupid and go on playing and watching as before .
7 Although most girls ca n't wait to leave the home for their own place to do their own thing , some always come back to show what they 've achieved , or to say it was n't so bad in the home after all .
8 Just started to eat the fig roll and realized it was n't one of them .
9 He derided those who thought it was ‘ all right to stay in opposition so long as your socialist heart is pure ’ , and argued it was not they who suffered , but the poor in Britain and in the third world : ‘ We are not just a debating society .
10 Would anyone like to argue with her and say it 's not that much you know an important character .
11 Fuck her I was drinking stout on Saturday night and normally do n't do it because we 've simply no money ! on the vodka and say it was n't even enough to buy a carry out but do n't say it unless she says she was here !
12 I opened it and found it was n't signed , so I signed it and used it .
13 By avoiding this situation and pretending it 's not happening means that we can actually be risking the lives of one our friends , one of our family .
14 The Mercury One-2-One Ltd digital cellular joint venture between Cable & Wireless Plc and US West Inc has been talking to Reuters , and says it is not seeking to trigger a price war with Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd and Vodafone Group Plc .
15 But my wife , who is a Russian speaker , has witnessed this particular drama and says it is n't a Slav language .
16 I would n't bother with that if I were you , we 're gon na be hoovering it and cleaning it are n't we .
17 Granted his education and career it is not surprising that Sidonius , both in his panegyrics and also in his letter-collection , was able to see the last days of the imperial court within a traditional perspective .
18 Sir John and Lady Beatrice vehemently objected to this , so Benjamin offered to supervise the soldiers and ensure it was not used as a pretext for theft or pillage .
19 She said she would visit ; she was giving a talk in Newcastle and reckoned it was n't that much further to come .
20 The judge said the case did not mark a sharp change in government policy , and emphasised it was not to be regarded of general application by planning authorities around the country .
21 Listen to the voice talking to you in everything you do and know it is not your voice , but the inner voice of the one who cares for you with love and infinite tenderness .
22 It can develop strongly in almost any weather , but contrary to popular and widespread belief and advice , the conditions that most favour and encourage it are not damp and mugginess , but hot dry days interspersed with clear , cold , dew-laden nights .
23 And doing it 's not so much that you 're doing everything wrong , it 's just the one thing which being done right is that the other way of putting it that , the guy because he 's so well organized what effect does that have on everybody else then ?
24 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
25 The recruiter looks for the index card , and finds it is not there .
26 Yet oddly enough when Massine staged his Donald of the Burthens with the help of a Scottish expert to guide him through the traditional steps and figures it was not a success , possibly because too much reliance was placed .
27 This profit and lost is not real profit and lost it is n't real profit and lost .
28 One of the things that does strike me about er particularly heterosexual men and their attitudes to homosexual and y'know homo erotic activities , there 's y'know a lot of different aspects where y'know I do n't know rugby players all get in the shower together and smack each-other on the backside in the name of horse play and y'know it 's not considered threatening or erm or outrageous and yet sometimes these are the very people who are the most homophobic .
29 If you 've set your heart on some specific feature — say , white carpet — and find it 's not feasible or practical or that it 's too expensive , then look sensibly at the alternatives and find a less impossible compromise .
30 Have you , have you ever seen the expression on a man 's face when he takes the out , do a crap , stand up and find it 's not there ?
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