Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] over [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
2 Ministers are told any gifts worth more than £125 must be refused or handed over to the department .
3 However , the employee 's option may not be the simple one of staying with the transferor or going over to the transferee .
4 However , Trotsky also had to affirm that although the Russian proletariat in power could win the support of the peasantry by appropriate measures , it would be unable to maintain itself in power or pass over to a socialist regime in Russia ‘ without the direct state support of the European proletariat ’ .
5 John Dykstra , with Richard Edlund and others , was able to set up a camera rig that moved very precisely in metal tracks , with the camera on an arm that could move up and down , while the camera itself could pan from side to side or tilt up and down or any combination or roll over to the side and also change focus as needed .
6 Generally no stamp duty will be payable unless the conveyance is one on sale ( or taking over of a mortgage liability ) not resulting from a court order or agreement made in connection with the divorce ( see Chapter 2 ) .
7 He repeated that it was the right of the pope to inspect and crown , absolved all from their oaths to Philip and again exhorted all the princes to adhere or go over to the support of Otto .
8 These were created or taken over by the state at various times since the first examples under the 1906–14 Liberal Government , but the largest group of Nationalization Acts covering coal , road and rail services , gas , electricity and iron and steel came under the 1945 — 51 Labour Government .
9 ‘ The appeal of Caran d'Ache Neocolor II lies for me in combining the exciting possibilities of using the crayons dry as a direct drawing method , or as a painting medium , when they can be dipped into water , finely sprayed for a diffused image , or washed over with a brush — releasing a full flow of colour and texture . ’
10 Housework and childcare have remained largely privatised , neither integrated into socialised commodity production , nor taken over by the state , unlike education and the health service .
11 Based on an 8km circuit of the Can and Chelmer , teams could opt to race 40 or 80km and change over at the race centre as often as they liked .
12 For a whiff the strong white birds floated proudly there , diving , clearing the weed , and waddling over to the house when my father summoned them , for food and to be shut up for the night .
13 We have been asked to give that up and to go over to the European Community system , with the European Court and majority voting — the shoe is pinching all the time .
14 She lifts her eyebrows at me and then stands up and goes over to the sink .
15 She takes out this dark red dress with these big white dots and goes over to the mirror .
16 He turns his back and goes over to the chest of drawers , his brown bottom wiggling at Mark .
17 Once or twice a week Howard climbs into the station wagon and drives over to the little market town fifteen miles away .
18 A strangely-deserted sidewalk , Rex noted as he leapt out of the cab and stalked over to the fallen driver .
19 On seeking to patent his process , Castner discovered that a similar patent had been lodged in Germany by Karl Kellner and made over to the powerful Solvay Company in Belgium .
20 But the walls themselves were constructed with an infill of mud bricks , set in mud mortar , and smoothed over with a beautiful mud plaster .
21 He broke off , almost grinding his teeth , and flung over to the window to stare out .
22 And so since that was going to be demolished and built over by a a housing estate anyway , we ripped it out and put it back down here .
23 The two boys picked up their pints and moved over to a couple of chairs by the fire , just vacated by an elderly couple .
24 We looked at his stone fireplace , cracked horizontally about six feet up from the March quake and moved over to a drafting table .
25 While it was charming I was not at all happy there so I gave up the grandiose life and moved over to the Peel Street YMCA .
26 Tight-lipped , Delaney nodded , and moved over to the radio desk .
27 He got up , casting her a smile that said women were never pleased , and moved over to the fridge , his back to her .
28 Curtis commented wryly and moved over to the bedside again .
29 My mum , as mums tend to do , had divined my state of mind rather shrewdly and moved over to the bed in a thoughtful kind of way .
30 On a nod from Richie , Patrick left them to it and moved over to the first tee .
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