Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Crown counsel informed defence counsel of an inconsistency between the sister 's testimony and her first statement without showing him that statement or revealing that she had made a second statement confirming the first statement in that respect .
2 These eagles would not know what a zoo was , or believe that he had escaped from one in a place where no eagles lived naturally .
3 And used to happen twice a year and erm sometimes somebody 'd remember my birthday or find that I had my birthday or and at Christmas time we used to get some money .
4 Those solicitors , in their turn , caused or thought that they had caused the documents to be dispatched direct to the father and the mother with a covering letter specifically directing attention to the desirability of obtaining independent legal advice .
5 If this conviction arises through my preaching , it is frequently through some phrase or thrust that I had not intended .
6 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
7 He looked at the number plate and realized that he had found the sole piece of ostentation Miss Morgan had allowed herself ; she had been Angela Jane Morgan and the car was AJM 563 .
8 He asked himself , ‘ What is the direction upon which I have been depending ? ’ , and realized that he had been relying on a sense of what seemed ‘ natural ’ and ‘ right ’ to govern his actions .
9 She was aware of Harry 's quickened breathing and realized that she had ‘ inflamed ’ him , just as the French girl had foretold .
10 He received a letter the next day apologizing and accepting that he had not been in possession of a stolen car .
11 And seeing that someone had joined them in the chapel , he pinched Caterina 's cheek , and lightly slapping her shoulder , said aloud , ‘ Away with you , find someone else to pester . ’
12 Having stopped a couple of times for refreshment , Fabia returned to her hotel around six o'clock , and realised that she had found Mariánské Láznë quite enchanting .
13 He fumbled for his skeleton keys and realised that he had not brought them with him from the car .
14 The taxi ride from the airport to the little village where she was staying , only six kilometres from Nice , had been uncomfortable because the air-conditioning in the car had broken down three days before her arrival and was waiting to be repaired , and all in all her last vestiges of good humour had finally bitten the dust as she 'd stood in front of the house and realised that it had n't finished being built .
15 In July the prime minister of Belgium and a committed Europeanist , Paul-Henri Spaak , stated that he supported a European Assembly and announced that he had asked the European Movement to consider plans for such a body .
16 Zen gulped down the rest of his coffee and announced that he had to be going .
17 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
18 I remember waking up and reaching down automatically and realising that they had shaved me which was my biggest shock .
19 They listened to the Black story and admitted that it had important implications .
20 Only one company questioned , who insisted on complete anonymity , had taken on an ex-headhunter into a position it had been seeking to fill , and admitted that it had been a disastrous mistake .
21 He said he knew the tablets would not have harmed him and admitted that he had taken them to make his wife see how much he needed her .
22 Following his comments Shoob on Oct. 5 acceded to requests by the authorities to withdraw from the case and admitted that he had reached " certain preliminary conclusions " concerning the evidence .
23 Tony came back 10 days later looking happier , and reported that he had checked the newspapers regularly and had sent off several applications for jobs .
24 Subsequently , however , the Moscow correspondent of the daily La Stampa examined the original of the letter , which had been discovered in the KGB archives , and reported that it had been misquoted in 12 places .
25 Some hours after the alleged attack , Sharon McLean ran out of the Peace Gardens in Holt Street , near Wrexham police station , and pretended that she had just discovered the body , the jury was told .
26 There was a terrible urge within her to just run away and hide , curl up into a tiny ball and forget that she had made such a stupid , stupid mistake by allowing herself to fall in love with someone as ruthless and cold as Luke Denner .
27 Would I one day show people this jacket and say that it had been a lovely afternoon in Central Park when he gave it to me and , in closing , would I say that as he disappeared into the trees , I never saw Oscar Wilde again ?
28 Dickey had rebelled against his black clothes , until he was told that it would be naughty to mamma not to put them on , when he at once submitted ; and now , though he had heard Nanny say that mamma was in heaven , he had a vague notion that she would come home again tomorrow , and say that he had been a good boy and let him empty her workbox . ’
29 I would have to go to my constituency and say that I had been outbid by Tory Ministers , and that after complaining for all these years about their accruing power to themselves I had found that I had been wrong all the time .
30 After the Fleischmann and Pons press conference in 1989 Jones recalled this early achievement of ‘ breakeven ’ in muon catalysed fusion and joked that they had wondered whether to call a press conference in 1982 and announce that energy output from fusion had been accomplished .
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