Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it back into " in BNC.

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1 These include plungers , wormscrews ( for boring into a blockage and pulling it out ) , and scrapers for removing sludge and silt and either pushing it down the drain or pulling it back into the inspection chamber on which you are working .
2 Depending on the obstructions you find , you could site the building exactly alongside the house , bring it forward of the building line ( if the planners will allow this — see later ) , or set it back into the garden .
3 Keep listening until you are sure that you will recognise the sounds the next time you hear them , then withdraw the spade and push it back into the ground some feet away .
4 Then lift the front foot high and hook it back into the opponent 's head .
5 ‘ Because , ’ the Doctor answered , a little hoarse himself , ‘ the enhancer works both ways , and the Old One 's survival instinct is letting him draw on its excess life-force to try and bring it back into the world .
6 Frank folded the brief letter from his solicitor and put it back into its envelope , before tossing it negligently aside .
7 It gave her address , her phone number , her next of kin … he tore off this last part and put it back into the locket , which he returned to her body .
8 They employ it , and put it back into the land , if they do make anything .
9 Ray folded the article and put it back into the envelope .
10 One witness said : ‘ The plane had already landed , but the wind came under the wings and lifted it back into the air .
11 The sand took the glittery morning light and threw it back into his eyes like a mirror .
12 Running into the glade , she picked up Rosalind 's letter and folded it back into its envelope , which she saw to her dismay had been badly torn by the man 's rough handling of it .
13 Her eyes widened as she came to the last paragraph , and she stared at it before abruptly crumpling the paper and stuffing it back into her case .
14 The bleeper attached to his belt suddenly shrilled into life and after silencing it he eased the hook from the mouth of the pike thrashing about at his feet and brushed it back into the water with the side of his boot .
15 But camp comes to life around that recognition ; it is situated at the point of emergence of the artificial from the real , culture from nature — or rather when and where the real collapses into artifice , nature into culture ; camp restores vitality to artifice , and vice versa , deriving the artificial from , and feeding it back into or as , the real .
16 Should one of the fry slip from the nest the male will catch it in his mouth and spit it back into the nest .
17 Expel the remaining clear suspension and draw it back into the syringe several times to break up clumps of cells .
18 To cause any of the stored words to be spoken we get the computer to recover the digital information and convert it back into sound .
19 The man quickly replaced the back of the cassette , screwed it in place and shoved it back into its box .
20 She closed up her sketchbook and shoved it back into her bag .
21 Ormanroyd and he 's got round Laws and pulls it back into the danger area but the cross defended well .
22 Pioneering development : Until recently , research into that problem had led to only limited advances in chemical recycling — that is , taking the waste and converting it back into one of its raw material process stages , then to be reprocessed back again .
23 and smack it back into the sky .
24 He gathered up the blossom and took it back into the house .
25 If there is one in your street , please let us know and we will try and get it back into use again .
26 because it takes nitrogen from the air and puts it back into the soil
27 sure , th th th that is your other option is , is that you go for a m a much more equal policy and the , the government takes money in taxation and puts it back into the , the agricultural sector .
28 Your Lloyd pushes against that curved edge and eases it back into its slot .
29 Reaching past her again , he took the tape out of the reader and slipped it back into its case .
30 Shepherd leaned across and switched off the viewer , then lifted the thin black sheet and slipped it back into the folder .
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