Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 If the ‘ need ’ can be clearly justified on social grounds then there is a prima facie case for either altering the distribution of income ( if that would permit the need to be translated into monetary demand ) or producing the product for social non-commodity distribution ( which would presumably involve nationalisation of the enterprises concerned ) .
2 Or catching the ferry for Gibraltar ?
3 Environmental forecasting may be used to inform " the market forecasting process , or to provide the basis for more detailed quantification .
4 While encouraging westernized intelligentsias , he did not come to terms with their nationalisms , whether he was lecturing in South Africa ( 1949 ) , advising on local government in Tanganyika ( 1950 ) , observing the Seretse Khama [ q.v. ] affair in Bechuanaland ( 1951 ) , or surveying the possibilities for a Central African Federation ( 1952 ) .
5 Do our findings justify complacency or urge the need for reform .
6 Most of the summer breeding birds have either lost or won the battle for survival by then , common seal pups have been weaned and are now learning to fend for themselves .
7 Create a new opinion or attitude , based perhaps on new products or to pave the way for the introduction of long term plans .
8 Similarly children have been spaced or limited when required by a variety of means ( e.g. abstinence after the birth of a child , or delaying the age for cohabitation ) .
9 The company gets burned by the cost of extra development time and resources needed to correct or re-write the application for each architecture .
10 The company gets burnt by the cost of extra development time and resources needed to correct or re-write the application for each architecture .
11 This may take the form of an agreement to purchase a minimum percentage of the forecast , or to compensate the seller for excess work in progress or inventories .
12 You erm understand I think , or will understand Mr , that if these sites are not included in the greenbelt , that 's to say if they are shown as part of the inset , so far as the greenbelt local plan is cer is concerned , they have no other designation , that 's to say the greenbelt local plan does n't purport to er allocate or to designate the land for any other purposes .
13 This kind of " environmental " forecasting may be used to inform the marketing forecasting process , or provide the basis for more detailed quantification .
14 My speech is therefore directed principally to what will no doubt be the two main areas of interest to the House : that is to say , the benefits uprating generally and the voluminous regulations that provide or pave the way for the introduction of disability living allowance and disability working allowance in April 1992 , to the advantage of tens of thousands of disabled people .
15 If the film presented an image of typically English virtues — independence of spirit , toughness , sympathy with the underdog — or put the case for the ideals of freedom and parliamentary democracy , then the filmmakers could have the stock they needed , and the necessary artists would be released from the ranks .
16 Then , during his three years in exile he came for the first time into close contact with the main exponents of the Gregorian ideal , and we must ask how far and in what circumstances he adopted the phraseology of the Gregorian reformers ; then , whether he adopted the theoretical structure which their favourite phrase libertas ecclesiae expressed , or adopted the phrase for use only in exceptional circumstances and for special reasons .
17 He waited for Ballater to explain himself or to state the reason for his visit .
18 This is not a matter of accident , or simple confusion , or even of deliberate attempts to use or misuse the word for particular political purposes — although all of these factors may , and in fact do , come into it .
19 Managers and the systems which they use must give advance warning when a decision extending or improving the plan for the remaining work is necessary .
20 Visual fatigue can sometimes be lessened if the pupil looks away from a task briefly , or closes the eyes for a minute or two .
22 What is sad is that caught in this way , they are unable to see or use the opportunities for life-fulfilling experiences spread out before them .
23 Under the Vienna Convention the right to terminate or suspend the treaty for material breach by another party is limited to the parties .
24 Considering the particular forms of ‘ socialisation ’ which have emerged with the development of the impersonal capital , to what extent do these increase or limit the opportunities for socialist transformation of the economy ?
25 It is no surprise , therefore , that the history of the relations between Government and the trade union — movement has consisted so largely of intervention to harden or soften the market for the commodity at the movement 's disposal .
26 ‘ I 've never had any intention of resigning , or getting the sack for that matter , even though I 'm bottom of the league and 57-years-old .
27 attract merger partners or smooth the way for acquisition ,
28 In the May issue of Latch On her article on knots reminded me of another tip — when using a length of yarn for a contrast marker ( on tension swatches or to mark the position for the sleeves , for example ) , make a small slip knot in the end of the yarn and place this on the needle .
29 We see we see this forum as very much the right sort of forum for either making or breaking the case for a new settlement , the one thing I do have to say , however , is that the Department wants to see this particular issue settled in the context of the alteration , and full significance of that is n't immediately apparent , it , what we do n't want to see is what was envisaged in the H B F statement , where they thought that we might end up with a decision to have a new settlement in principle and then leave it open to the local plans , all four of them around the city , to then explore the possible alternative locations .
30 Every third week , the girls were permitted to have visitors or to leave the premises for the weekend .
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