Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] her [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 It looked as if she had no life in her either , but she moaned as James carried her and laid her gently on the seat of his carriage .
2 Then Sylvie walked towards Katherine and pecked her lightly on the cheek .
3 The kiss went on forever , and she offered no resistance as he swung her up into his arms and dropped her gently on the bed , coming down with her .
4 I promised to go and see her again on Friday morning .
5 I was told they sent for a nurse who came at me with a needle so I grabbed her by the breast and threw her down on the hors d'oeuvres .
6 Her son stretched across the table and touched her gently on the wrist , his eyes pleading with her .
7 He smiled and touched her gently on the shoulder .
8 Try and get her back on an even keel . ’
9 Alex put it on her finger with a sure movement , took her by both hands , and kissed her closely on the mouth .
10 Mark smiled thinly and kissed her affectionately on the cheek .
11 In an almost fatherly way , he placed a hand on her good shoulder and kissed her gently on the lips , like a promise .
12 I pulled her face down and kissed her gently on the lips .
13 Pascoe went over to where she was sitting , perched like a nervous bride on the edge of the bed , and kissed her gently on the lips .
14 Loulou flung his arms about her and kissed her lovingly on the mouth .
15 He lowered his head and kissed her fleetingly on the mouth .
16 Before they had time to say a word , she had rushed across the room , enveloped Dimity in a bear-hug and kissed her soundly on each cheek .
17 Jinny leaned across and kissed her lightly on the cheek .
18 He bent and kissed her lightly on the forehead .
19 I grinned at her and kissed her lightly on the cheek .
20 Indeed , when Jessica had locked her car with all the others at the Moira roundabout — travel-sharing , she assumed , hardheaded Ulstermen saving on the petrol — Rory had walked up to her and kissed her lightly on the mouth as if they owned each other .
21 She did n't have time to more than glance at it before two pairs of strong hands lifted her from the stools , and placed her unceremoniously on a table top .
22 The governor immediately raised his glass in Flavia Sherman 's direction and complimented her elaborately on her French ancestry and the " astonishing combination " of her beauty and her two fine sons .
23 This was only natural , so I just had to grab her leash as she flew by and carry her back on my glove .
24 They took her into the living room and put her down on a sofa .
25 He walked slowly , however , to make the journey as long as possible , and put her down on dry land .
26 He carried her across the corridor and put her down on the bed .
27 As I considered whether to smash her and throw her down on the mountainside , I caught her scent .
28 This strange , remote , eagle creature , whose body was bathed in incandescence from the fire , except that it was not quite the fire ; whose eyes were dark with passion , and whose arms , strong and safe , were enveloping her , and laying her down on the thick fur rugs before the fire …
29 Sir Fulke went over to her and patted her gently on the shoulder .
30 Once Astrid had taken her shopping ( she was about four at the time ) and set her down on a stool by a counter when she tried on earrings in a round mirror on a stand ; a salesgirl with a promotional tray of perfumes approached her and Astrid turned and extended her wrist to sample it .
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