Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [that] [pers pn] were " in BNC.

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1 They really did n't understand or realize that they were worth so much .
2 In consequence we are , or wish that we were .
3 Committee chairmen had greater microphone power : they could and did interrupt speakers , overriding their speeches with voluble and sometimes lengthy rehearsals of facts and figures ; they intervened to answer rhetorical questions or to explain that they were irrelevant .
4 The late Victorian period was the first in which there were considerable numbers of agnostics , atheists and opponents of organized religion who led lives of exemplary respectability ; it could not be urged of Huxley , Clifford or Tyndall that they were irreligious because they were libertines , like the earlier ungodly .
5 The attitudes of colleagues were reported as being overwhelmingly good , although a few people mentioned a certain lack of understanding , saying that their colleagues tended to forget or deny that they were disabled , which could create difficulties .
6 The government issued statements , before and after the April arrests , criticizing the activities of DP members in northern Uganda and suggesting that they were helping to perpetuate the insurgency , although no evidence of this was presented .
7 What the NIRC was required to do was to make binding decisions , and to see that they were enforced , in the context of dispute between trade unions , individual workmen , employers , and employers ' federations .
8 George MacKerracher was a character in himself , and although I always suspected that he made up most of his stories , he told them with such sincerity and verve that they were quite believable .
9 Anyway , 'e spoke for about an 'our and at the end of it 'e asked for people to come forward and testify that they were saved .
10 — helping to get clients to bed , and seeing that they were safe for the night .
11 Tealtaoich stood quite still , regarding the waiting Trees and seeing that they were listening and apparently politely prepared to hear anything he had to say .
12 The bombers must have seen the persons in the well-lighted room through the open door and realised that they were almost certain to die in the explosion .
13 Supporters of an expanded manned space programme cited the recent example of astronauts achieving the successful deployment of the gamma ray observatory ( GRO ) in April 1991 [ see p. 38171 ] and argued that they were needed to correct the optical problems of the Hubble Space Telescope [ see pp. 37394 ; 37551 ] .
14 CIA Marketing Director Bryan Squibb said : ‘ More than half the companies surveyed have left themselves unprotected against bad debt and reported that they were merely making bad debt provisions , taking legal action , vetting customers or using debt collection agencies .
15 They could remember a world which they had known and recognized compared to the fragmentation of their work and lives that they were now experiencing .
16 Whenever things went wrong she would blame us and say that we were causing Bernard difficulties . ’
17 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
18 The Liberal Democrats write to The Scotsman and say that they were the first to back the consortium .
19 My father was not pleased when he came back early or unexpectedly from the hospital and found that we were out drinking or talking to girls .
20 We also tested a sample of autistic children in the chocolate-finding task and found that they were again behaving just like the three-year-olds : going to the baited box for twenty trials , despite wanting to win chocolates and occasionally trying to filch them from the experimenter 's bag .
21 Later that year we met other Soviet researchers and found that they were also studying the stabilising effect of longitudinal fields on pinches .
22 In this survey they looked at the different kinds of training and jobs undertaken by black people and found that they were likely to be doing worse jobs than white youth irrespective of their qualifications .
23 They checked on the possibility that saccadic movements made with the eyes closed , or in the dark , might be slowed , or that the velocity may then be independent of length of saccade , and found that they were not : that is , waking eye movements with eyes closed , or in the dark , are the same as with eyes opened and in the light .
24 Churchill called for a return of all party agents who were in the armed forces , and found that they were overwhelmingly Conservative .
25 Iraq denied that the cylinders were part of a gun and maintained that they were for use in the petrochemical industry .
26 We played in Guernsey and this man came after us waving a stick and shouting that we were heretics and ‘ Thou shalt not be a false Messiah ’ .
27 He says that to me and then he turns round and says that they were all taking the piss out of Gemma because she 's got thunder thighs and she has n't , that 's the whole point !
28 The wear on horses ' teeth from thirty thousand years ago clearly shows signs commensurate with what we know as crib-biting and confirms that they were domesticated even then .
29 A close comparison of all the details of the heads reveals no differences , and shows that they were struck from the same die .
30 And then the old keeper used to come round and see that we were all right and they 'd be there till the following day and carry on for about three or four weeks you see .
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