Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [det] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I cut a sheet up into 1cm squares and placed this in the bird cage .
2 Patrick O'Brian , surely the most closely related of Marryat 's successors , understands very well that rare concomitant of the adventure story , the effective partnership of mind and body in action , and displays this in a continuing group of adult novels which give a notable unlaboured picture of the Nelson era .
3 An art shop in the city of London sold four cotton based portfolios in the first week and doubled this in the second .
4 Perot was also damaged by his own political naïveté , as for example on July 12 when he addressed the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People — his first major campaign appearance before a black audience — and offended many in the audience by the insensitivity of his remarks , which included references to " you people " .
5 In 1903 the Walkers bought a stick making concern and installed this in the mill alongside their hosiery business .
6 It will require strong democratic local or regional government institutions , equipped to respond to local needs and to reflect these in the Community policy-making process .
7 Substitution gives and expressing this in the WLF form
8 Israeli soldiers killed a guerrilla and wounded another in a clash .
9 LOYALIST terrorist groups have murdered four Roman Catholics and wounded another in the past nine days .
10 A key objective of the study is to link together economic , social and political change in the locality and situate this in the broader , national patterns of change .
11 erm has the panel on doctrine really tackled the question per se what is the theological position of children from their birth onwards , and put that in a concrete , orderly statement , or are they intending to do so ?
12 put a lamp on either side you know and put some in a crack , a lump either side
13 She tried to remember some of her stories and put those in the Diary too .
14 The grim determination with which Peter the Great restored the army after the disaster at Narva ( 1700 ) , and risked all in the decisive battle against the Swedes at Poltava ( 1709 ) , reflected in large measure his own indomitable , exuberant , ruthless personality .
15 Let's go to bed , and finish this in the morning . ’
16 The NEDC Committee suggests that one of these could be transplanted to October — but why not move them further apart , and add another in the autumn ?
17 The group will investigate coastal processes and assess these in the context of late Quaternary and Holocene conditions .
18 It can do all there is for it to do , which is to discover regularities among our God-given ideas , and to systematize these in the most useful way .
19 Also praise your child for acceptable behaviour and record this in the book on a separate page ( such as ‘ helped carry shopping ’ ) .
20 — Department store bosses trying to try on clothes in their fiddly little changing rooms ( you can always tell people who 've been clothes shopping they 're the ones with the bruised elbows ) ; — Town planners and architects who think steps are an interesting feature trying to get up them in a wheelchair , with a pram , or just with creaky old legs ; — Hospital consultants who make ten appointments for the same time waiting in out-patients , especially if it 's the day when there 's a dotty old lady , a whining child and an old man who coughs and spits all in the same little section ; — Weird fashion experts wearing their crazier outfits in Darlington on a rainy Monday .
21 But there is a strong tradition in this country that education ( including higher education ) should go beyond cognitive or intellectual development , that it should draw out , through its curricula , teaching and environment , the entire range of types of ability and talent — intellectual , artistic , physical and social — and set these in the context of the whole person , of ‘ character ’ , ‘ autonomy ’ or ‘ maturity ’ .
22 He had to make it clear that he had learnt his lesson on tariff reform , and to do this in a way as compatible as possible with the dignity of an ex-Prime Minister .
23 The intention of the current work is to explore the perceptions of the voluntary sector held by local authority staff and to consider this in the light of their policies and practices for contacting and working with ( or for ) the voluntary groups in their areas .
24 As more graduates enter primary teaching , so I believe it will become easier for schools to have a common purpose and to recognize this in a jointly worked-out curriculum , with more communication and actual cross-over from one part of the system to the other .
25 Several young plants can be formed from a single stem by making a series of wounds at a convenient distance apart and burying each in a prepared hollow in the ground .
26 I 'll go and try these in the door now cos this is ours .
27 At development time it is necessary to determine a probability for each of the transitions and store this in the transition matrix .
28 There have been attempts to estimate the economic cost of corporate crimes and render these in a meaningful fashion ( Bequai 1978 : 1 ; Clinard 1978 : 83–102 ; Conklin 1977 : 2–8 ; Geis 1975 : 95–7 ; Hills 1971 : 167–68 ; McCaghy 1976 : 205 ; President 's Task Force Report 1967 : 47–51 ; Stotland 1977:180–82 ) .
29 Eric Brown then went and did that in the third round , but at that stage I thought it was going to be between Peter , Christy and Dave .
30 You may find an apparent discrepancy in the parcels , and mark this in the same way , although later deeds may clear it up .
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