Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 City analysts expect it to pass its final dividend , or make only a token pay-out .
2 Supposing , against the odds , the Tories scrape home , or cobble together a working majority , the day-after rally could be spectacular .
3 In the auction room discretion must be used in bidding and the developer must have a clearly defined policy if the price exceeds the value calculated : he should either withdraw or bid only a marginal percentage above the calculated value .
4 Or does even a temporary steward open no chests ; fold no linen away ? ’
5 When trading in or throwing away an old " fridge " try to make sure that it is not going to be just broken up without the CFC gas being properly collected first .
6 Here too the distinction was not absolute , and hides many other differences ; but the bulk of the lower clergy were half educated at best , and led quite a different life from their superiors .
7 She lifted a hand to her face and wiped away a greasy sheen of sweat .
8 It was not itself a centre of manufacturing , but it outstripped all other ports as a point of transit for English exports and became thereby a major entrepot of international trade .
9 His red , lumpy features were transfigured and he stopped being a badly assembled mass of fleshy fragments and became instead a vital man .
10 Paid-in capital by member countries amounts to about 10 per cent of subscribed capital and represents only a small part of the total funds obtained by the EIB .
11 Then I 'm going to take another triangular bandage and I 'm going to open it up and make just a little fold , this is going to go on her forehead and that little fold just helps with keeping it firm and stopping the bandage slip , now , just put it around the forehead like that , okay ?
12 Sort of looking out of your window and seeing just a blank concrete wall in front of you , day after day after day .
13 Even when compared with the 1983 landslide victory , the Conservative share of the vote increased in the South East ( including Greater London ) , East Anglia , West Midlands and East Midlands , and registered only a marginal decline in the South West ( albeit with a share of the vote still in excess of 50 per cent ) .
14 Ann Winterton , Tory MP for Congleton , called for a full legal review and a policy decision by the Home Secretary , Kenneth Clarke , to examine the options and bring forward a new law .
15 In his first independent act as king he established his authority on a sure foundation and revealed both a sound political judgement and a determination not to allow himself to be dependent upon a small group of powerful nobles .
16 That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970 , and made only a brief comeback as a Khmer Rouge figurehead in 1976 .
17 They were used mainly to provide public works and made only a marginal impact upon the distressed : the Poplar workhouse was severely overcrowded in both winters .
18 The smoothing recipe described below generally gives satisfactory results and involves only a limited amount of computational effort .
19 The preferred model , which allows individuals to treat sources of income receipts other than benefits and earnings differently , gave very good results , and passed both a statistical test and a theory check for consistency .
20 Two or three numbers might be required as input to a calculation lasting several hours , impossible to accomplish except by computer and producing only a small volume of output .
21 That 's torn it , thought Lydia , swallowing the smile , extinguishing the sexuality which she knew she had caused to flicker about her like burning brandy round the Christmas pudding , and adopting instead a workmanlike , country-walking air .
22 ‘ What you can be sure of , ’ said Thorfinn , eluding the question , ‘ is that the Pope and the Emperor Henry both know , and that one is dying while the other enjoys indifferent health and has only a three-year-old son to succeed him .
23 But at that time the plaintiff had no actual existence ; was not a human being ; and was not a passenger — in fact , as Lord Coke says , the plaintiff was then pars viscerum matris , and we have not been referred to any authority or principle to show that a legal duty has ever been held to arise towards that which is not in esse in fact and has only a fictitious existence in law , so as to render a negligent act a breach of that duty .
24 The amazing naked cat — the Canadian Sphynx — lacks both guard and awn hairs and has only a soft fuzz of down hairs on its extremities .
25 Around the turn of the century , there was much disenchantment with freemasonry because it was negating its original secrets of the occult and becoming more a social club and friendly society .
26 The Gazza of old would have been tempted to flick that ball in the air and juggle away an outstanding chance for his team .
27 Only when he trawled his memory of leaving the room earlier , and found there a distinct recollection of checking that he had locked the door behind him , did irritation turn to anxiety .
28 This new construction can be cultured and develops quite a nice tooth , but now the sheet of cells that would have become the skin of the foot is induced to make enamel .
29 Then she seated herself opposite him , and drew forward a small table , on which were two packs of cards .
30 He may have been in his forties and driving either a grey , silver or light metallic-coloured car .
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