Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , as one would expect , 28 offer professional services and/or provide support to their members in this regard ( 13 of those are in the field of law ) .
2 The Department pledges its support to staff who work within the spirit of the Guidelines set out in this document , and will make it clear that as a Department we are not prepared to accept threats of intimidation and violence from that small number of clients who use such methods to manipulate their social environment or evade responsibility for their behaviour .
3 The study will produce a detailed description and analysis of what young women know about sexuality and about AIDS ; the ideas which they have about risk , danger and control in sexual encounters ; how they behave sexually ; why they behave as they do , and what factors are likely to constrain or to encourage change in their behaviour .
4 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
5 It says its got 43 distributors worldwide and 150 major hardware and software vendors shipping or announcing availability of their products for UnixWare .
6 Although one or two species had simple flaps of skin in the shoulder region , most had no fins at all , apart from their tail , to help them navigate or give precision to their movements .
7 He also said that his government would welcome the return of the 80,000 Ugandans Asians who in 1972 were forced by Amin to flee the country [ see pp. 25469-70 ] , and confirmed that they would be able to recover their property or seek compensation for their losses .
8 It was as if poets owed an explanation to the audience for being what they were , to bring creatures apart down to the level of ordinary folks ; as if the poet might be indulged his little failings and eccentricities as long as he allowed himself to be democratically mauled in public by thoughtless questioners or — even worse , much worse — by fellow-poets or by those who had poetic pretensions and who found in ‘ question time ’ an opportunity to assuage their jealousy or seek revenge for their own incompetence and mediocrity .
9 Elected or unelected public officials can normally maintain and strengthen their support in society , alter the attitudes of opponents , and neutralize , weaken or instill uncertainty amongst their enemies .
10 Of course , all these symptoms can be part of the growing-up process , but if you are worried that your teenager might be taking drugs , or suspect drug-taking among their friends or school mates , it is very important for their own safety that you should get help .
11 Academics already in post retain their tenure only so long as they do not move to another university or accept promotion within their present university .
12 Most shopkeepers joined the co-operative movement , and big traders , wholesalers perhaps with their own trucks , diversified their businesses , or withdrew money from their businesses to send it abroad or to build houses for themselves and their families .
13 No one had ever seen a bride or groom walk to their wedding ; even the very poor found a car for that day and in the old days they had gone by trap or sidecar .
14 As when a swarme of Gnats at euentide Out of the fennes of Allan do arise , Their murmuring small trompets sounden wide , Whiles in the aire their clustring army flies , That as a cloud doth seeme to dim the skies ; Ne man nor beast may rest or take repast For their sharpe wounds , and noyous iniuries ,
15 This section of the Policy covers the Policyholder if they are TOTALLY DISABLED from engaging in or giving attention to THEIR PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION , as disclosed and declared on the policy , as a result of sickness .
16 24 , cases of wives becoming sureties or giving security for their husband 's debts .
17 The reasons for this are complex , but basically the more efficient one is as a reader , the less one reads individual words as separate bits , or pays attention to their structure .
18 These could test and modify units designed at international workshops ( or by other centres ) or initiate work of their own and present it for international criticism , modification and subsequent diffusion to other countries .
19 Most had ‘ gone private ’ in order to avoid NHS waiting lists or to take advantage of their health insurance .
20 for those young people who refuse to stop using solvents you may want to give advice on how to avoid , or reduce damage to their health .
21 In the international sporting context , there is also grave concern about the safety of competitors and viewers at meetings such as the Olympic Games because terrorists , sometimes representing minority and almost unknown groups , stage an attack to wreak revenge or to gain publicity for their cause .
22 As regards others who are terminally ill and whom the law regards as incompetent — for example , the unconscious , the mentally ill , the mentally handicapped , or the seriously confused — it is not clear that anyone has authority in law to consent to or refuse treatment on their behalf .
23 Indeed , when a police authority has instructed its local constabulary not to purchase stockpiles of baton rounds nor to undertake training in their use , the Home Office has stepped in to circumvent this instruction by allowing police forces to hold such devices on permanent loan .
24 Women were empowered to speak about sex , challenging the authority of the experts and drawing attention to their gendered power relations .
25 That parishes work towards a realistic level of remuneration for their organist or director of music and make provision for their continuing training ( 581–584 ) .
26 Almost too late to be of real use , a rehabilitation unit took her in and began the slow , hard work of helping her and her family reconstruct and make sense of their situation .
27 Whether adjacency be permitted or not , the evolution of the series will be halted , or swamped in a black mass , unless earlier generations decline and make room for their successors .
28 What principles do children rely on as they analyse the structure of words and make use of their knowledge ?
29 Each religious community — or millet — was placed under the supervision of its own leaders , who acted as agents for the imperial government in collecting taxes and maintaining order amongst their people .
30 Further , it is important to emphasise that ‘ independence ’ is not a fixed state , and maintaining control over their lives will often become increasingly hard as people grow older .
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