Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [conj] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 This meeting is called by a manager to inform his subordinates or to instruct or to control them .
2 to identify the political and economic groups that have an incentive either to promote and support particular prevention policies or to obstruct and oppose them ;
3 To pass the time , they told Verdeţ what his fate would be if the government resorted to violence to suppress the strike or to try and rescue them .
4 Generally a restriction on the right to reject will be coupled with an express undertaking to make an allowance against the goods , or to repair or replace them .
5 The offence is committed not just by a trader who supplies consumer goods that are not reasonably safe but also by a trader who agrees or offers to supply them or exposes or possesses them for supply .
6 The proprietor of a design is given certain exclusive rights in relation to articles embodying the design ( for example , making or importing such articles for trade or business purposes or selling or hiring them ) .
7 ‘ I could ring a couple of people , or go and see them , about trying to find you-know-who , but … ’
8 This is the power to stop things happening or to delay or disrupt them .
9 Diana wondered whether to sit there or leave and let them make their farewells in private .
10 At first sight this might not seem to be a serious problem ; one thing stands for others if it is used or taken as representing them .
11 Those preferring to have them collected , or to take or send them individually , were mostly older people , and people in lower socio-economic groups , and people who — when they were talking about being so short of money that they would have to arrange a loan — thought in terms of a relatively small amount of money .
12 Digging them up for fuel or compost , or draining and ploughing them for farming and forestry , causes significant emissions of carbon dioxide to the air .
13 that professionals may acquire amounts of power and influence that enable them to determine their own activities .
14 and if you can have a word with them I 'd be grateful that just lays the foundation for me to talk to them and er and to go and see them .
15 They all rub the soap on the dolls and rub and rub them , then splash up the water till the soap ‘ comes off ’ .
16 But there 's a whole range of behaviours which one can include in sexual harassment , going from fairly mundane every day things which just grind people down and which grind people down because they happen on a constant basis , to very serious once in a while sorts of behaviours , and to try and categorise them as major or minor does n't really get us very close to being what the issue is about .
17 Adamus bowed to Ruth 's perfect breasts and mouthed and tongued them .
18 As garden buildings were often architecturally ambitious and elaborately decorated , great care is needed to use the correct materials and finishes when restoring them .
19 In June too , after an attempt to repel the rebels had failed , and the leaders of the royal force , Sir Humphrey Stafford and William Stafford , had been killed at Sevenoaks , the government had tried to placate the Kentishmen by arresting Crowmer and Say and sending them to the Tower , and when Cade 's men entered London in July , those two were among their earliest victims ( 16 , p.192 ) .
20 ‘ 'He that calls his brother a fool shall be damned ’ , ’ Terry said , and laughing and teasing they left the house and took a tramcar to Lime Street Station .
21 The other sailors pushed the three prisoners up the beach , laughing and shouting and hitting them .
22 The paupers continued under the care of the churchwardens and overseers of the parishes until the House had been built , but then the directors had powers to apprehend vagrants , single pregnant women , and other malefactors , to admit them , and to set and keep them at work — but only for a maximum of six months .
23 Still the thunder thundered and burned and shook them .
24 If you have to share , clean the used equipment immediately it was last used , separate the needle , barrel and plunger and clean them in hot tap water and washing up liquid , remove all traces of blood , rinse the works thoroughly with clean water and do the same with any spoons etc .
25 In addition to using these queries directly , you may make a copy of the SQL command files and extend and/or customise them to suit your own needs .
26 Fair comment , but this week she was on holiday , did n't stop her and going and leaving them poor dogs in there barking their heads off and crying , for seven and a half hours did it ?
27 Yes , it 's prevention , you 've got to prevent the crimes being committed , not just chase after the people and hang and flog them once you catch them .
28 Designed products and marketed and sold them .
29 But they all tightened their belts and after a great deal of grunting and squeezing and pulling and pushing they emerged , one by one , into the moonlit churchyard .
30 Shouldst thou not cry aloud , and show them their transgressions ; and entreat and beseech them as for life and death ? ' ’
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