Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] at a " in BNC.

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1 In this case the solvent has to be evaporated or boiled off at a low temperature .
2 Using the Windows software supplied with the printer it is possible to setup , configure and maintain your printer from the comfort of your PC screen — no more fiddling about with mysteriously labelled buttons and switches , or peering hopelessly at a badly lit LCD panel .
3 The research seeks to assess how much of the business guaranteed by government export credit agencies would be declined by the private sector or accepted only at a higher price .
4 The farmer and I went over and gazed down at a circular black object about half an inch across floating on the surface of the milk .
5 In reality , individuals may not be able to borrow and lend freely at a given interest rate .
6 With its twin staircases and end steps , a Dreadnought was capable of loading and unloading simultaneously at a terminus .
7 So I got on the Greyhound Bus for a six-hour ride to Washington and checked in at a cheap hotel opposite the bus depot .
8 after a swift , furtive glance at them , jumped the ditch on the other side of the lane and made off at a run over the fen .
9 He nodded , then turned and rode away at a canter .
10 An editorial in The Lancet ( November 10 , 1990 ) entitled ‘ Who 's for tennis ? ’ but which could have just as easily been entitled ‘ Who 's for running ? ’ sums up the present state of the art and looks particularly at a new piece of research carried out on civil servants .
11 Then they built a sand-castle with ramparts and a moat and turrets , and stopped off at a café on their way home and treated themselves to a delicious cream tea .
12 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
13 After leaving the letter in a drawer she had gone to a nearby town and booked in at a hotel .
14 Sean gathered up the reins and drove off at a smart pace .
15 with unusual curtness and drove off at a speed which suggested that Darren was about to enjoy a gratifyingly exciting ride .
16 ‘ Oh ! ’ he said , stopping the car and looking hurriedly at a map .
17 He walked back , around the huge tyres , and squinted up at a long , high tube that stretched from the building .
18 The large fractured area containing the lateral cell membranes of surface mucous cells was observed and photographed randoly at a direct magnification of ×15000 .
19 As a result evidence … clearly showed that the two Constables had been idling and gossiping together at a place where one of them had no right to be … [ and ] that the Acting Sergeant , on his round of inspection , met these two Constables together , failed to note in his book , as was required in the regulations , the place where and the time where he met them , and to see that the Constables then noted in their books the time and place of his visit …
20 There 're are complicated members of the terror act and it 's not an entirely frivolous suggesting because if you have any doubts that the performance of this County Council in it 's for duty to maintain the rights of way network to a standard appropriate for the traffic , then go and look even at a small part of John 's film .
21 The foundry 's most famous loco was the Derwent of 1845 , which worked on the S&DR until the 1860s and soldiered on at a colliery until 1891 .
22 Presently the old lady came towards him , entered the shed and sniffed knowledgeably at a tin of weedkiller .
23 He would smile and move off at a steady pace , his friends with him .
24 He has won titles at two different clubs — Everton and Arsenal — and to do so at a third would be unique .
25 She was relieved when they abandoned the jeep for a brief ferry ride across the bay , and stepped ashore at a softly lit veranda restaurant among swaying coconut palms .
26 We believe the special nature of this case suggests the decision should be taken out of the hands of the borough council and examined dispassionately at a public inquiry .
27 He lost , and lost again at a by-election in February 1936 in Ross and Cromarty against Malcolm MacDonald [ q.v. ] , the National Government candidate and dominions secretary — another embarrassment for his father who was then angling for a cabinet post .
28 In order to help people like Jeff Lockyer , the Oxfordshire money advice project has set up a Debtline which offers people advice on how to control their debts and pay back at a pace they can afford .
29 Blackbirds , sparrows , robins , and other birds whose names Vic does n't know , skip and hop about at a discreet distance from the magpies .
30 Briant ignored that and looked instead at a man waving his notebook eagerly from the back row .
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