Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] [adj] per " in BNC.

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1 The Newcastle 's cap and collar mortgage , where the interest can not rise about 10.75 per cent or fall below 9.5 per cent for a full seven years is a good bet , especially when you consider that over the last 10 years , the average interest rate has been around 12 per cent .
2 Centralised lender National Home Loans has a cap & collar deal where the mortgage interest rate will not rise above 14.49 per cent or fall below 10.99 per cent over the next five years ..
3 The Assembly had 386 seats and under the country 's complex electoral system ( approved in October 1989 — see p. 36961 ) , there were 176 single-member constituencies , where results were decided either by overall majority in the first round , or in a second round to which candidates would go forward if they finished in the top three or obtained over 15 per cent of the vote .
4 The Ignalina plant , located north-east of Vilnius , is Lithuania 's only nuclear power station and produces around 60 per cent of the country 's electricity .
5 The Alpha level corresponds to the subconscious and involves almost 100 per cent concentration .
6 Ham ( 1985 ) reports that the private sector provides 5 per cent of acute beds , 8 per cent of all beds and receives about 8 per cent of all non-emergency admissions to acute hospitals .
7 This should not be taken too literally — not every rock in the crust is a granite — things like limestones are vastly different in composition — but the average composition of all the rocks on the continents is about that of granite and contains over 60 per cent of silica .
8 The creation of artificial waters does much to replace this loss , and five of the 12 sites in the table are gravel pits or reservoirs and support about 30 per cent .
9 ‘ Pristine ’ areas include national parks and national wilderness areas and cover approximately 1 per cent of the federal land area .
10 The Pennyland estate in Milton Keynes has over 100 houses that have been designed to catch as much sun as possible , cutting annual heating bills by 40 per cent and costing just one per cent more to build .
11 The company achieved significant growth during the year with both home trade and export up 12 per cent on the previous year .
12 Moderately rocky land having peaty soils and comprising about 25 per cent of the Outer Hebrides is especially extensive on South Uist , eastern Benbecula , north of the Harris mountains and on the metasedimentary rocks in South Harris .
13 Retailers are constantly unable to meet demand for organic produce and import around 60 per cent from abroad .
14 This replaces non-domestic rates ( i.e. property taxes levied on commercial , industrial and other business premises ) , whose levels have previously been locally determined and raised about 17 per cent of local government income in England ( 1984/85 figures , Douglas and Lord , 1986 , p. 15 ) .
15 The delay knocked work back two years and swallowed about 4 per cent of the total project budget .
16 In 1910 , all the other minorities , to which had been added the Muslim Serbo-Croats of Bosnia-Herzegovina ( annexed in 1909 ) , outnumbered Germans and Magyars combined and provided about 58 per cent of the subjects of the house of Habsburg .
17 This , it is thought , would have given him time to renegotiate exemption and pay only 40 per cent capital gains .
18 In the contests for around 52,000 seats on over 2,300 local councils , Solidarity-backed Citizens ' Committees won over 41 per cent of the seats nationwide and performed strongly in the main cities , making a virtually clean sweep in Gdansk , Krakow and Wroclaw and taking nearly 90 per cent in Warsaw , the capital .
19 Hinkley Point A , for example , even with the benefit of the ‘ mechanized army ’ so lyrically portrayed by The Times correspondent , took seven and a half years to build instead of its projected five , and went about 25 per cent over budget ( £34 million ) .
20 The quickening pace of commerce increased the urban population : a mere 3 per cent of the population in 1700 , it rose to about 8 per cent in 1800 and reached around 11 per cent by the 1850s .
21 Taking a gamble , the British Greens contested all 78 mainland seats and took nearly 15 per cent of the vote ( but no seats because of the first-past-the-post rule of British elections ; i.e. there was not a single constituency in which the Greens had a majority ) .
22 From a restored base at Barings , where he exercised autocratic leadership and took almost 50 per cent of the distributed profits ( amassing thereby a considerable personal fortune ) , Revelstoke exercised great influence in the City and Whitehall , though always remaining in the background of public affairs .
23 The amount of such mail handled by the Post Office increased threefold from 1975 to 1987 , reaching 1,626 million items and making up 7.7 per cent of total national expenditure on advertising .
24 Yet the Third World makes only 8 per cent of all fertiliser , and consumes about 15 per cent .
25 Since 1919 , great armies of faceless conifers have stamped their way across the highlands and the lowlands , Sitka spruce now covers half a million hectares and makes up 52 per cent of conifers planted by the Forestry Commission in Scotland and Wales .
26 Floating on these plates , and covering about 30 per cent of them , are masses of lighter rock , which form the continents .
27 The haciendas , in contrast , are not only larger ( 5 ha to 10 000 ha ) but occupy nearly 63 per cent of the agricultural area including a much higher proportion of the best agricultural land .
28 Hoverspeed 's two Super 4s can carry 70 per cent more payload ( passengers and cars ) than the unstretched SR.N4s , but cost only 15 per cent more to run .
29 In other words , without it one can not explain why at the present time there is a maldistribution of world wealth and income such that the countries of the Northern hemisphere contain only 25 per cent of the world 's population but obtain 80 per cent of the world 's income , while the countries of the South contain 75 per cent of the world 's population but obtain only 20 per cent of the world 's income .
30 The regional autonomy parties continued to make gains in the north , but won only 2.5 per cent of the overall vote .
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