Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] from [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Drop nets can also be bought or made yourself from netting available to repair prawn nets .
2 The relevant provisions state that an employee has the right not to have action short of dismissal taken against him ‘ as an individual ’ by his employer to : prevent his belonging to an independent trade union ; or prevent him from taking part in the activities of an independent union ; or compel him to join any trade union .
3 The [ draft ] FRS therefore requires that the facilities must be committed and that there must be no reasons expected or likely which would either permit the lender to avoid his obligation to provide new borrowings or prevent him from providing them .
4 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
5 Or prevent you from finding inner peace ?
6 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
7 He took it up in a Pauline spirit , as a reparation ; now the least of Christians ( by special grace ) but once an infidel , and even if he had not persecuted the faithful , one who scorned the Faith , he would do what he could to convert men or stop them from straying away .
8 Or stop them from ticking . ’
9 If children did visit they should be with an adult who could explain the pictures or stop them from seeing the more controversial ones .
10 But it is still a passive role and , while many major figures in sport express a sense of responsibility for black youth , none actively encourage or discourage them from following their examples .
11 Cessation of growth is most likely to result from starvation , which may arise because : the whelks eat out their food supply , or the supply fails for some other reason ( perhaps as a result of pollution Bryan ( 1969 ) ; wave action dislodges the whelks and transports them away from their food supply , or prevents them from feeding in some other way ( Cowell and Crothers , 1970 ) ; the temperature drops so low that the whelks become inactive for a long period ( Feare , 1970a ) .
12 Timing is good ; this tends to be particularly noticeable in recordings such as the Keith Jarrett interpretation of Bach 's Goldberg Variations , which has superbly organic style that is pulled this way and that , but which never spoils the music or prevents it from working .
13 Or stopping it from rotting the furniture .
14 Savage Orcs do not usually wear armour although they sometimes obtain it as war booty or trade it from wandering Goblin tribes .
15 Held , dismissing the appeal , that since it was the business of estate agents to act for numerous principals , several of whom might be competing and whose interests would conflict , a term was to be implied in the contract with such an agent that he was entitled to act for other principals selling similar properties and to keep confidential information obtained from each principal and that the agent 's fiduciary duty was determined by the contract of agency ; that since the plaintiff knew that the defendants would be acting for other vendors of comparable properties and would receive confidential information from them , the agency contract could not have included terms requiring them to disclose that confidential information to him , or precluding them from acting for rival vendors , or from trying to earn commission on the sale of another vendor 's property ; and that , accordingly , although the purchaser 's interest in acquiring both properties was material information which could have affected negotiations for the sale price of the plaintiff 's house , the defendants were not in breach of their duty in failing to inform the plaintiff of the agreement to buy the adjacent house , which was confidential to the owner thereof , and the defendants ' financial interest in that sale did not give rise to a breach of fiduciary duty ( post , pp. 941A–B , G–H , 942A–B , G — 943B ) .
16 ‘ But for the other two groups we feel there are many factors that spoil their enjoyment or deter them from making trips . ’
17 It has long been held that the writs of mandamus and prohibition will go either to compel the visitor to act if he refused to deal with a matter within his jurisdiction or to prohibit him from dealing with a matter that lies without his jurisdiction .
18 There is thus no doubt that on the older authorities the courts have refused to review by way of certiorari the decision of a visitor even though they were prepared to grant mandamus to require him to act or to prohibit him from acting in excess of jurisdiction .
19 The offence could be used against counter-demonstrators who set out to ‘ smash ’ their opponents or to stop them from expressing the point of view that they set out to express .
20 Or block you from developing personal qualities , talents or skills ?
21 You can go to court for an order to exclude your husband from your home or to forbid him from harassing you in any way .
22 I do not want to mislead you , or to deter you from making the right personal decision .
23 Next she considered the potatoes : in the past she had always cooked them in their skins , but recently it had been suggested that potato skins , if not carcinogenic , were yet harmful to the system , perforating the bowel or preventing it from absorbing the vital vitamins .
24 He was wound up like a spring , furiously angry , unable to keep still or to prevent himself from fidgeting .
25 On one level , it did not prevent some respondents expressing disparaging remarks about Catholics , nor dissuade them from giving opinions on controversial political issues .
26 As such , it is vital for getting the community involved , getting people on the side of wild-life conservation , and dissuading them from poaching .
27 But then in seventy nine we had a hit at home with Bunch of Time and that as far as we were concerned was the end of the road you know to be successful in Ireland and then late eighty one , early eighty two you know they started playing Bunch of Time over here and it became a top twenty hit for us and that you know changed the whole thing round about and got us from say the pubs in Ireland into the concert circuit in England which we 've been doing ever since .
28 This course lasts five weeks and covers everything from preparing and serving cocktails , to learning how to lay a table for everything from a simple breakfast to a royal banquet .
29 The booms , which were due to be removed yesterday absorbed the oil spillage and stopped it from flowing downstream .
30 It is part of an attempt to deter potential recruits and to distract us from concluding that it is men who are the cause of women 's oppression , not anyone else .
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