Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 This allows the meeting to ask questions , comment or review what happened at previous meetings and to check that decisions have been carried out , or that matters have progressed in the manner envisaged .
2 I either leave her with someone that she likes and trusts , or ask someone to stay at my house and look after her .
3 Does it rankle and jar or do we feel at home with the sound ?
4 Was she raped by James Hepburn , earl of Bothwell , and forced to marry him , or did she connive at her own abduction ?
5 Does the spider begin in the centre and move outwards down the spiral , or does it begin at the outside and work inwards ?
6 She did n't move when she heard Pascoe winding the tape back , nor did she look at him .
7 She did n't respond , nor did she look at him .
8 Nor did I shout at it .
9 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
10 A partner in her firm of solicitors knew Lord Aldington , who was then the chairman of Sun Alliance Insurance , which handled the case ; and asked him to look at it .
11 Early in the 1630s Calvert announced his conversion to Catholicism and , though Charles I valued his services and asked him to stay at court , he decided it could only cause trouble if he did so .
12 Back in August we joined forces with Cossack and asked you to look at your fella and tell us if the man of your dreams had turned into the man of your nightmares !
13 In the dressing room before kick-off , Ian wo n't need anyone to dangle pieces of raw meat in front of him and make him strain at the leash because he 'll be bursting to get stuck into the Turks more than anyone .
14 If you present someone with a set of stripes on a TV screen and make them move at right angles to their long axis , that is the direction in which the person will see them move .
15 So use the opportunity , get a return , make them take a good look at you and then you know you 're alright and can go on for another couple of years and make them look at you again .
16 ‘ This is all quite fascinating , ’ he said , drawing his umbrella from his starsuit and using it to point at the terminal entrance .
17 So Malcolm went down Club Row market and bought us a cat and the most ridiculously horrible food — tins of sardines and those disgusting tinned plum tomatoes they used to try and make you eat at school .
18 There was a tone in his voice that Breeze had never heard before — a tone that startled her , and made her look at him with wide , bewildered eyes .
19 When she turned her head away he captured her face between strong hands and made her look at him .
20 Bending down , he stared into her face , his long fingers strangely gentle as he cupped her cheek and made her look at him .
21 Mrs Tiller suddenly pulled me out and made me stand at the side .
22 Suddenly he cut me short and took me round the room and made me look at things .
23 He admits the scheme cramped his dress sense and made him sweat at official functions , but he hopes he has given the people of Hawick ‘ a sense of purpose , pride and awareness of the quality of world-class knitwear they produce ’ .
24 I took his shoulders and made him look at me .
25 He held the mutilated carving close before Harry 's face and made him look at it .
26 Regretfully , he had to let it all pass ; he knew such behaviour would have created a bad impression with editors and got him laughed at — the thing he most feared .
27 In an effort to combat the isolation and fear I felt at the time , I sought out a number of parents in similar situations to my own ; we had to create our own support systems .
28 Cityscape , Hight Corners , and Terraces , has plenty of examples and demonstrations as well as introduces specific technical considerations and encourages us to look at and study architectural characteristics .
29 He suddenly looked up and caught her looking at him .
30 He turned and caught her looking at him as they strolled idly along by the whispering dark Mediterranean , and impulsively he stopped and pulled her into his arms for a quick hard hug .
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