Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] out the " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , a photograph can not be generalized or simplified to bring out the important diagnostic features of a species ; it must be always of an individual at a particular time and place .
2 It could be on the other side of the island or asleep or waiting to leap out the water and swallow them whole .
3 Sir Robin Ibbs was loaned from ICI and asked to sort out the civil service .
4 Nirvana Inc battened down the hatches and made to ride out the storm .
5 Peter Storm seems to have broken out of its slightly down-market image and has brought out the Microlite Mountain jacket ( £105 ) using its own breathable and waterproof MVT coating .
6 Since I started as an engineer , and have ended as a biologist , I am struck by the similarities between the two ways of thinking , although there is the difference that an engineer starts with a function to be performed , and designs a structure to perform it , whereas a biologist often starts with a structure , and has to work out the function it is performing .
7 We have just had an extension completed and want to dry out the walls quickly so that we can use the room .
8 She shook her head , and tried to rub out the impossible visions .
9 He got down on his hands and knees and tried to rub out the muddy footprints .
10 I sat and stared at the paper in front of me and tried to blank out the present and get back into my story — forward , that is , into my invented future , and out of the world of queries and vague apprehensions .
11 Long whips of hawthorn arched over and helped to shut out the barely lightening sky .
12 They had an excellent position , but for the fact that there was an army between them and home , and with England at their backs , and bitterly conscious of their recent attentions , they could not afford to sit still and wait to wear out the enemy .
13 Only thus could he step outside of the present situation and hope to puzzle out the riddle of Zephro Carnelian — even while being forced to react predictably …
14 ‘ Dio mio , ’ he growled , and he leaned back against the wall , folded his arms across his chest , and prepared to wait out the boredom of the long moments ahead .
15 Julia cleared the glasses from round the room and prepared to set out the coffee on the drum table beside the chief armchair .
16 When we saw Liz 's auburn colouring we instantly thought of pre-Raphaelite curls , and prepared to get out the tongs .
17 Every Diamond is selected , matched and mounted to bring out the maximum ‘ fire ’ and beauty from each .
18 Even on the field he had his own personal trademark — flapping shirt sleeves and long , baggy shorts , which served both as a landmark for his colleagues and to help keep out the cold he felt so badly .
19 Each year has four seasons which in their coming and going mark out the passing of time in their distinct ways .
20 WC apps : 9 Winners : 1930 , 1950 If they really have got their act together and manage to cut out the cynical stuff , Uruguay could achieve much more this time .
21 And if I can not rid myself of it I will just have to go into the service and begin to root out the cause .
22 This knowledge once obtained and understood cancels out the need for re-birth or re-incarnation into the school of life .
23 Breakfast was not yet over at the curator 's house when Orrie came to announce that the police were in occupation , and beginning to stake out the ground .
24 The climate was turning warm and humid and beginning to dry out the swamplands .
25 Jack put down the phone and began to lay out the tea .
26 The fax peeped and began to flutter out the jigsaw sheets .
27 He spread the trousers carefully on the large deal table , put the towel with which he 'd been drying the luncheon dishes carefully on top of the faded tweed , smoothed it into place and began to poke out the creases with an old iron .
28 She sat down and began to pour out the tea and , her voice still quiet , she went on , ‘ I do n't suppose it 's really so bad for you , instructing or teaching , whatever it is you do , but in the Naafi , amidst the clatter — ’ she now looked at him and her words were spaced as she went on , ‘ and the chaff and the ribbing ; well , I sometimes think I have died and gone to hell , because that 's what I think hell must be like ; constant joking , especially when you hear the same thing repeated over and over again . ’
29 So then , with no better grace and without even a passing thought for Josie 's safety , Lucy pinned back her own hair and began to carry out the makeup job that she 'd undergone so many times before .
30 I helped myself , and when I had finished , I went up on deck and began sorting out the rigging .
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