Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 All who have kept wild animals as pets or got to know them in the wild have come to realize that they each have their own personality and manner of expression , within the constraints of that species ’ natural instincts .
2 To that extent it does not matter in principle whether the individuals are described in a particular society as ‘ upper class ’ , ‘ middle class ’ or ‘ lower class ’ , or whether the society is rural or urban : it is a universal that all individuals in all societies have contacts with other individuals ( even the exceptional case — say , a hermit — has occasional societal contacts or has had them in the past , and ‘ isolates ’ are special cases ) .
3 However , it should prevent anyone from mismanaging the waste and may include details of the business or process producing it in addition to a description of the physical ( or chemical ) nature .
4 The condition may be upheld if the plaintiff had previously disclosed his reports or offered to disclose them in exchange for the defendant 's reports ( Clarke v Martlew [ 1973 ] QB 58 ) but even that is in doubt since Megarity v DJ Ryan & Sons Ltd [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 832 in which it was said that the plaintiff can not make it a condition precedent to granting a medical examination that the defendant must produce the ensuing report , since to do so would pre-empt the court 's power to give directions as to expert evidence .
5 Tell a grown-up you trust if anyone frightens you or tries to touch you in a way which makes you feel unsafe .
6 But schools often under-use the talents and energies of their teachers , or fail to develop them in any consistent and systematic way .
7 Noting that Communists were either sharing power or had lost it in several countries , he promised Moscow would not interfere in the internal affairs of any east European nation , since it believed in the free right of all states to choose their own system .
8 Similarly , when the informants were given five sets of words , and asked to list them in order of the likelihood of appearing in SF , the experienced readers included " dreams ' , " drugs ' , " consciousness ' , " identity " , " information " ( all themes of recent SF ) while the inexperienced readers marked only " Martians ' , " flying saucers ' , " ray-guns ' , " robots ' , " mutants ' .
9 And erm come here a young girl and a baby , and helping to install her in in on one of the flats , and just sort of e th there was something erm happened to be wrong with one of the rubbish chutes at that time , and we were actually kicking our way through rubbish on the stairs , erm near the chute to get erm to come up .
10 He ( among others ) perceived adolescent labour as an obstacle to efficiency not only because it lacked knowledge of employment opportunities and the ability to distinguish between the merits of different occupations , but also because its inherent ‘ adaptability ’ was ‘ wasted ’ ( always a key notion in National Efficiency circles ) by the ‘ haphazard ’ nature of the transition which left too many youths in dead-end jobs and failed to enrol them in any form of further education .
11 Set against these points is the maintenance problem ; softwood doors need regular decoration to keep rot at bay , and even hardwoods require regular treatment with preservative and stain to keep them in good condition .
12 13–1–1906 They had under consideration the question of using the Hymnary in the public worship and agreed to use it in the summer if there was no serious collection among the people .
13 I asked if she remembered Old Red , and described meeting him in the subway , but not his current reputation , for that would have been less than tactful , as I hoped one day to marry them off , and unfair , since he had been so pleasant to me .
14 Take A League Of Their Own , Penny Marshall 's comedy about women 's baseball during WWII , which stars Madonna and Geena Davis and has coined it in America .
15 He care for the whole of mankind and has given us in the Bible a guide-book by which to live .
16 And yet Raskolnikov 's greater enormity is that having forgotten to bolt the door after killing the money-lender he is surprised by her half-sister , the woman who mends linen and has mended his in her time , apparently always pregnant , through simplicity , not waywardness , meek-eyed though ‘ she looks like a soldier dressed up as a woman ’ ( who but Dostoevsky ! ) and Raskolnikov kills Lizaveta too .
17 More than a third of directors want more summarised information and want to see it in a more comprehensible , graphic form .
18 And now they 've changed their mind and want to put me in a caravan .
19 I 've started to look at this and want to explore it in greater depth .
20 I 've started to look at this and want to explore it in greater depth .
21 Franco conducted it on his own terms , however , which meant that it was so gradual as to be barely perceptible at times , and designed to show him in the most favourable light possible .
22 As a diversion , which would allow time for the passing of the trembling , I reached into my pocket , pulled out the tin of rubbers , and tried to open it in the dark .
23 He discovered the girl 's name was Stella and tried to engage her in gossip .
24 As the rebels , sword in hand , ran after the retreating cavalry , sonic of the royal infantry stood their ground and tried to take them in the flank but the heavy rain had left most of their cartridges too damp to fire and the frustrated musketeers thereupon also took to their heels .
25 Voluntary organisations took mainly ‘ first offenders ’ and tried to place them in domestic service .
26 He ruled the new generation with a rod , boys who had worshipped the hero as kids and tried to emulate him in their tennis-ball pick-up games — ‘ Bags I be Washy ! ’
27 Guest of honour was Pat Moody , a member of a local team of people who took aid to the orphanage and helped to refurbish it in May last year and have been charting progress there ever since .
28 Lukic charged out and seemed to hit him in what was no more than a 50–50 challenge .
29 Valley Canoe Products have located a source of indestructible deck elastics and hope to offer them in 6 and 8mm sizes .
30 She wondered if Mrs Gray wanted to be fair to her husband and to avoid mentioning him in a role which showed him having to report to HQ , as it were ; or whether she wanted to be fair to Canon Wheeler , about whom , her tone suggested , she might share her husband 's opinion .
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