Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This can take the form of assessing the situation or bringing into consideration other factors ( political climate , human values , competitors ' stance ) which can not easily be quantified .
2 Moreover , they have no hesitation in stressing the point that builders do not operate or think in terms familiar to planners ; instead they look to ‘ market signals ’ .
3 For a decorative effect , space the ridges widely on a garment , or place on ridge level with the armhole on body and sleeves to form a yoke effect .
4 If the house is rented or occupied by relatives other than your spouse or carer the rent they pay you could contribute towards any share of the costs you are required to pay .
5 The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control : this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased , and acts done against persons other than D ( e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D 's son , daughter , wife , etc . ) .
6 This path would enable children from Baberton and Juniper Green to cycle or walk to Currie High School by a shorter and safer route than the present route , which involves negotiating the busy and dangerous Lanark Road ( cyclists have to cross it twice ) .
7 To consider religion carefully is not to be dogmatic and exclusivist , but actually the opposite , for it allows an important area of experience — both communal and private — to be explored instead of being ignored or reinterpreted in terms inappropriate to it .
8 This can be achieved by ensuring that we fall within the exemption contained in Section 60(1) of the Companies Act , which states that an offer or invitation is not to be treated as made to the public ‘ if it can properly be regarded , in all the circumstances , as not being calculated to result , directly or indirectly , in the shares or debentures becoming available for subscription or purchase by persons other than those receiving the offer or invitation , or otherwise as being a domestic concern of the persons receiving and making it ’ .
9 It is clearly undesirable and often more expensive to admit or keep in district general hospitals or long stay hospitals old or mentally ill or mentally handicapped people who could be properly looked after in the community .
10 ABBEY National is offering to meet up to £250 of legal and mortgage valuation fees for customers who are remortgaging or switching to Abbey National .
11 He ‘ lets go ’ in a frightening tantrum — banging his head , kicking , screaming and yelling — when he can not get his own way , such as when you try to insist on his doing something , refuse his commands or attend to people other than himself at a time when he wants your undivided attention .
12 The real problem is that the writers of such texts may make political difficulties within a department , or teach in ways difficult for students to understand .
13 Outside the realm of youth culture , however , there are words of Caribbean origin which may be " anglicised " or adapted to LE phonological patterns by black speakers when using LE .
14 Each of the items , specially written for the project or adapted from APU practical tasks were written on to separate sheets and put in position along with pupil answer sheets and the apparatus for the task .
15 If it is only — or mainly — accommodation problems which stop you repeating the year , Grandad & I would like you to know that you are welcome to live here & go to Oban High School .
16 In addition , subsidence in these deltas , either natural or caused by river damming and groundwater removal , is likely to accentuate greatly the local rise in sea level expected from global warming ( Milliman et al. , 1989 ) .
17 Another ballot will now be held to determine whether the 1,000-pupil comprehensive will obtain grant-maintained status or stay within Wirral local authority .
18 the making of grants or advances to bodies other than local authorities ,
19 223 ) that the visitor had failed to take into account relevant matters or taken into account irrelevant matters or had reached an irrational conclusion .
20 An important feature is that once bonuses are given , they can not later be withdrawn or put at risk due to some speculative investment .
21 Compiling an elaborate data base or investing in systems akin to those of very large companies or the Civil Service would clearly be uneconomic and unjustified for a medium size group .
22 Because of the low incidence of clinical pancreatitis after ERCP , investigators have studied the effect of somatostatin or octreotide on ERCP associated abdominal pain as a surrogate marker of pancreatitis .
23 The area in the vicinity of welding and all below it should be thoroughly cleared of all flammable rubbish , the welding area should be screened as completely as possible , all inflammable materials should be removed or covered with fire protective sheets .
24 Upon receipt of such written , telefaxed or telexed claim , or its agent or representative shall have the right to test or to inspect the Licensed Software at its then location or to have the Licensed Software despatched to a point designated by or returned to carriage pre-paid .
25 Recoup is working on these problems and collaborating with Reprise International Plastics Recycling Ltd which is making a substantial investment in a plant to clean and separate plastics .
26 With the continued growth of non-governmental services and initiatives in the 1970s and 1980s , not just of the ‘ established ’ kind but also of self-help and ‘ alternative ’ projects , the complexity of the task of coordination exceeded the potential of the legislation and became at times messy .
27 I. Lazarev Finance A. Khlystov Trade Y. Saburov Economics and forecasting V. Mangazeyev Foreign economic relations M. Kuryachev Chamber of trade and industry A. Zakharova Apparatus of USSR Cabinet of Ministers
28 Wordsworth rewrote Guilt and Sorrow to conform to this teaching , and in Lyrical Ballads we are invited to contemplate The Dungeon and The Convict from a Godwinian viewpoint ; criminals are to be re-educated and placed in surroundings conducive to this end .
29 Your other main terms and conditions are set out in the Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Authorities Administrative , Professional , Technical and Clerical Services ( Scottish Councils ) as adopted and amended by Lothian Regional Council .
30 Your other main terms and conditions are set out in the Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Authorities Administrative , Professional , Technical and Clerical Services ( Scottish Councils ) as adopted and amended by Lothian Regional Council .
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