Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adj] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Cumulus clouds rolled majestically through the blue sky , casting shadows or releasing light as they did so .
2 At twelve , I acquired a snooker table , and became cross-eyed as I perfected my strokes .
3 For example , the firm can implement its own quality and inspection policies and amend these as they see fit .
4 And got heavier as they left the small station and straggled down a steep , cinder path .
5 I would like to think that she died still being floated by the giant kite , that she went round the world and rose higher as she died of starvation and dehydration and so grew less weighty still , to become , eventually , a tiny skeleton riding the jetstreams of the planet ; a sort of Flying Dutchwoman .
6 Manufacturing companies must analyse the profits arising for their shareholders and report these as they occur .
7 ‘ Hey , Miguelito do good , huh , ’ he giggled , with a little prance of his feet before scurrying forrard for the starboard sheet , and yapped dog-like as he jumped back into the cockpit , sheet ready .
8 But others criticised her for interrupting too often and looking unprofessional as she slumped in her seat asking him about his O level exam achievements .
9 I say , looking back to see Andy coming up the hill behind me , suddenly slowing and looking wary as he sees the man .
10 Hold on to this tension for a slow count to five , then let your feet relax and become limp as you breathe out with a sigh .
11 It was he who was now leaning towards her , and his voice and face serious as he went on , ‘ A big house , a room to yourself , and all the food you can eat is n't everything ; you can be as miserable as sin with it all .
12 He 's a thief , done time probably and well , ’ the waitress was looking more uneasy and going redder as she talked herself into more trouble , ‘ anyway here he is , ’ and she scuttled off .
13 Paul Wakefield , 27 , of High Moor Road , was assaulted and knocked unconscious as he walked along Northgate just after 8pm on Friday .
14 The Irish backs missed tackles while Penaud was authoritative , Sadourny incisive and Viars electric as he clocked up a record 24-point haul .
15 The boy was so far from being ill-used or closely confined that he apparently lived a normal life , at least within the walls , going and coming much as he pleased , and eating in hall like a member of the household .
16 But I imagine this often happens — people are for all practical purposes sane as far as the analyst 's door and become mad as they stretch themselves out and explain their sanity .
17 The cykesound became a speck on the road , and grew bigger as it approached .
18 He liked the Latin name so much that he made up a sort of rhyme about it and chanted this as he went upstairs :
19 Highly forgetful , he is said to have put on all six shirts his wife packed for his tour and removed each as it became too dirty to wear .
20 The lamp-smudges seemed to swim towards me , dipping and swaying off-centre as I approached them My legs were trembling and when I put my hand against my face it was burning , and yet clammy .
21 With some wild , unplanned , unfocused idea of shaming him with feminine helplessness , she stayed mute as he drew her into his arms , and remained passive as he gathered her up to him .
22 The towers seem grey at first , but grow golden as you approach .
23 Like Loch Hourn , which in configuration it resembles closely , Loch Nevis is an inlet of the Sound of Sleat , initially wide but becoming narrow as it thrusts through the hills .
24 Following on this sixth behind Gold Options , he ran in the Troytown Chase at Navan but showed little as he finished down the field behind Roberts Rhapsody .
25 Leading scorer Paul Wilkinson struck his 20th goal of the season against his former club but looked glum as he left the dressing room .
26 The baby was awake but fell asleep as they reached the house .
27 The puppeteers , dressed as gardeners , are often visible to the audience , but become irrelevant as they bring the string , hand and rod puppets — portraying anything from a flunky haddock to the infamous loopy hatter — to life .
28 This rod is supple in the tip , but becomes powerful as it bends towards the butt .
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