Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 This is what happens during a successful chase , as one individual falls behind or gets separated in some way from the rest .
2 It needs to have the necessary quality of confidence about it. ) 4 Whether the relevant information can be easily isolated from other information which the employee is free to use or disclose This to some extent relies on the intelligence and honesty of the employee .
3 But that does mean that we accept the movie myth that these forces are externalised or become absolute in some creatures or people .
4 Material presented to people during sleep is not remembered unless they are woken up by it , and remain awake for some time .
5 There are no easily accessible accounts of Freud 's major metapsychological or sociological works , and Chapters 4 to 6 will therefore outline and discuss these in some detail .
6 Style is a relational term : we talk about " the style of x " , referring through " style " to characteristics of language use , and correlating these with some extralinguistic x , which we may call the stylistic DOMAIN .
7 She hit the blancmange of the shoreline , bounced over it and flew sprawling into some bushes .
8 It is important initially to settle into the ward and become familiar with some of the basic principles of surgical nursing care .
9 Mead , like Malinowski , went to live among the peoples she was studying , observed their behaviour as a participant in the society , and combined this with some informal interviewing of members of the tribes that she studied closely .
10 Can I just say at this point that erm John will happ had a word with the landlady and the landlord of the Reindeer , with regards to this application , and what the landlady told John was that she and her husband would dearly like to do away with the breeze block garage that is there , that is totally out of character , and extend the car park way back to the garages , but the brewery are insisting that they do what is planned here and do away with some of the
11 ‘ She never used to go out and get drunk like some of the others . ’
12 Chris Tavaré , who has struggled for batting form for much of the summer and come unstuck with some of his third-day declarations , will be back next year .
13 Methodism also became and remained strong in some urban centres of old-style manufacturing such as Norwich and the Potteries .
14 You will find it much easier to work with the door removed and held firm in some form of vice .
15 to retain temperature controls but relax those on some products with a short shelf-life ;
16 Sitting close to the blackboard seems like an old-fashioned solution , but remains useful for some pupils .
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