Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You can avoid this if you alternate them with your regular shampoo or make sure you find one that does n't contain silicone such as Lamaur Compleat 2 , Mild or Extra variants .
2 McGavran cautions that numerical increase ‘ is not adding mere names to the roll or baptising those who have no intention of following Christ .
3 Such low spending , say critics , will mean cuts in day centres , or charging those who use them ; reductions of manpower in the emergency services , the police and fire and rescue ; but above all a drastic cut in the countty 's education budget .
4 The pattern has usually been for such people to establish themselves as privileged representatives of a ‘ god ’ who has the power to punish or destroy those who do not conform to the rules which they , the privileged , have themselves formulated , but have attributed to the ‘ god ’ .
5 er and therefore for that very reason do not like to see the Government going in for a whole series of embarrassing defeats er and erm getting into very grave difficulties with an important Bill and I therefore arise only to ask my Noble Friend er at the last minute would like to consider very seriously erm a conciliatory reply of whether accepting er the amendments with er or er or some of them er with er er er view to their reconsideration or asking those who propose them to defer them from to from today 's sitting , there 's still further sittings ahead , but whether he was prepared to ask them to give him a chance to reflect without incurring serious Government defeats to reflect further on whether further amendments can not and should not be made .
6 Some of them got religious or went barmy I seem to remember , but the point is they were all different when they came back .
7 At the same time , this screen , these games with and in words , can even now frighten off those readers who feel they must always know where they are when they read , or irritate those who see the games as a form of deliberate teasing or provocation .
8 Are the three ICAM ligands for LFA-1 functionally equivalent , or does each one have a unique role ?
9 Check carrots , potatoes , onions and any other vegetables in store and immediately use or discard any which show signs of rotting .
10 Right-wing clergy have either kept silent on the issue of human rights or bracketed those who speak out as supporters of subversion .
11 Read through the Kidscape code with your children and make sure they remember it .
12 Stick to nice neutral facts and make sure they come over clearly .
13 Learn from our mistakes and make sure they don ‘ t happen again .
14 But it 's the working with them , you know , you 've got to try and work with them , he 's got to go round may be every five minutes and make sure they 've put it out , otherwise he 's going to stand there doing his university work .
15 Tell your brothers , and make sure they attend . ’
16 Talk together about what kind of behaviour is illegal and make sure they know the consequences of becoming involved in crime .
17 Sally 's parents keep themselves aware of her circle of friends and make sure they know where she is going when she goes out .
18 He 'll take them to the top of the stairs and make sure they know when to go on — usually by the gracious means of a prod in the back .
19 Send in your stories in no more than 300 words and make sure they reach us by March 30 .
20 He is to keep an eye on them , transfer them between nicks when necessary and make sure they turn up in court on time .
21 That way it 's a lot easier to keep watch and make sure they do n't creep up on you , and you can keep going as well .
22 Put them elsewhere next year and make sure they have plenty of organic matter to draw on .
23 " They believe that these very loud explosions will frighten away all evil spirits and make sure they have good fortune for the coming twelve months . "
24 While the stars are at the theatre it is my responsibility to look after them and make sure they have everything they need .
25 Take the tents and make sure we 've got enough food . "
26 Erm , and then we 'll sort of talk it through and make sure we 've got it right , and we 'll get it typed up for you , erm , and make sure you take a copy of it away with you .
27 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
28 ‘ We will get all the big guns and make sure we show them , ’ said Mrs Nilsson .
29 Before dinner we 'll all go for a brisk walk along the beach and make sure we work up a nice big appetite . ’
30 not supposed to laugh always got to close people down and make sure we do get the order .
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