Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During the initial development of root definitions these factors should be considered in systems terms only , otherwise the analyst may just relate them to the subject organisation , overlooking other individuals or groups who contribute to the system as defined .
2 A recent Private Member 's Bill in the UK seeks to introduce sanctions against persons or organisations who engage in financial dealings with tax havens .
3 picket , or people who come to our lectures that the rainforest campaign , we could be meeting thousands of people we do n't normally see , so we 've tried to produce an information package that will get them interested .
4 Even people who help us to keep our homes clean such as home helps , or people who work in day centres , also call us their ‘ clients ’ .
5 If someone has had an accident in their home , fallen and injured themselves or been taken ill , they may not be able to attract the attention of neighbours , passers-by or people who call at the door .
6 Or people who belong to other clubs .
7 The seven leading candidates have shunned firm manifesto proposals in favour of vague attacks on foreign creditors or elites who benefit from Brazil 's crippling income disparities .
8 It is helpful to bear in mind that the persons affected by insider dealing who may seek civil remedies are : companies in whose shares insider dealing has taken place ; shareholders of those companies ; or outsiders who trade with insiders .
9 Well one of the aspects that I have been looking at is erm the impact of technical change on women 's position in the rural areas , and particularly as it concerns women who belong to landless households , or women who belong to small peasant cultivator households .
10 I think they 're old-fashioned , for older women , or women who work in the city , not for girls .
11 2. drug-treatment centres and clinics who specialize in treating people with drug problems .
12 He needs to think of how we are to find the right ministers , men and women — to let people know that there is a vocation called holy orders , of ‘ unique difficulty and unique happiness ’ ; the variety of ministers , deaconesses , teachers in schools , lay preachers , monks and nuns and friars who belong to ‘ the praying heart of the Church ’ , without which its mission would not have the power of God within it .
13 Walkers and climbers who get into trouble are often found later to have strayed off their intended course .
14 There are suits that are better equipped for the more demanding skier and manufacturers who specialise in this end of the market include Nevica , Berghaus , Phoenix , Degre 7 , Powderhorn and SOS who say they are not interested in following ski fashions : ‘ We make heavy duty workwear for people who spend their winters in the mountains . ’
15 This happy coincidence — happy , that is , for all those visionaries and seers who speak in sonorous phrases about the ‘ New Pacific Century ’ and the ‘ Grand Pacific Age ’ , and find such a discovery a perfect symbol of what they 're talking about — has been the case ever since 22 October 1884 , when a group of scientists and politicians met in a hotel in Washington DC and set down the rules by which the planet was henceforth to organize the keeping of its time .
16 They tend to use formal information systems through assistants and secretaries who act as preliminary filters .
17 And the real saints are people like Moore and Sutherland who fight to be English artists in England .
18 Or at least , we are told so daily by politicians , police , judges , and journalists who speak to us through the media of newspapers and television .
19 There is a principle here for children and teenagers who live in non-Christian homes .
20 A new generation is upon us of mindless bully boys , vandals , muggers , head-bangers , football rowdies , granny-murderers , boot boys , toughs and tearaways who laugh in the face of the law , as we stand before the rising tide of violence and disorder with a Canute-like impotence .
21 Villagers are especially concerned for the safety of children and youngsters who play on a small triangle of grass underneath the bypass .
22 Just as there are production companies and cameramen specializing in different techniques and styles and product fields , so you can get actors and models who specialize in specific areas .
23 Melford and a group of archers fanned out before the cavalcade ; they cleared the way of the usual merchants , traders , pedlars , students and hosts of vagabonds and beggars who cluster on every road like flies round a horse 's arse .
24 In 1980 , he formed the Actors ' Choir , an organisation of actors and singers who work in TV , film and the theatre .
25 This will include purchasers , donnees , borrowers , employees of a purchaser and bystanders who happen to be injured .
26 Callières urged that young Frenchmen , if they could not meet the cost themselves , should be able to see other countries as members of the entourages of French ambassadors or envoys " according to the practice of the Spaniards and Italians who look upon it as an honour for them to accompany the ministers of their master in these sorts of voyages " .
27 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
28 Some readers of Practical Fishkeeping probably believe that we are tightly in league with the manufacturers and retailers who advertise in this magazine .
29 He who touches pitch shall be indelibly stained with pitch , and dogs who return to their own vomit will be sick again and again .
30 We also get a number of aircraft and airlines who like to practice on our runway .
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