Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb mod] be well " in BNC.

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1 The fibre or compost should be well moistened before use .
2 Anyone who is caring for an elderly mother or father would be well advised to visit the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security and ask for a complete set of leaflets on this subject which will explain what financial help is available , apart from the State Retirement Pension , both for their parent and for themselves .
3 The outside of any house or flat should be well lit at night .
4 ‘ And after all the controversy involving Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis this summer , Lancashire and Surrey will be well aware that people are going to be looking at their performances .
5 Wood and other plant remains such as ropes , cloth , reeds and seeds may be well preserved in arid environments or if waterlogged .
6 Leg and arm muscles should be exercised just a little bit longer after they feel tired , and tendons and muscles should be well stretched .
7 Stoddard 's Engineering and Tuners will be well practised at crossing the Atlantic by the time these matches are established and running on the other side of ‘ the pond ’ .
8 His views and leadership will be well respected by hon. Members on both sides of the House .
9 The social worker involved in cases of marital difficulty or of breakdown in the relationship between husband and wife would be well advised — regardless of the presenting problem — to seek out the sexual aspects of the case .
10 All sockets , conduits and cables should be well clear of gas lines and points , and for safety no electrical socket should be reachable from a sink or washbasin with taps , to avoid wet hands touching plugs or switches .
11 Anyone looking for refinement and smoothness would be well advised to look elsewhere because these cars are mechanically harsh and lumpy with a mighty thirst when extended .
12 Those who are troubled by questions of style and grammar would be well advised to read Complete Plain Words , by Sir Ernest Gowers .
13 Brochures and tariffs should be well designed , colourful and descriptive .
14 But notes must be well taken .
15 But feminists may be well aware that , in calling God Father , it is not intended to say that God literally has sexuality , while yet wanting to maintain that this is problematic .
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