Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb base] [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 to acknowledge how ‘ well run ’ the wilderness has been ( and presumably would be under the same regime in future ) and how adept their bailiffs and stalkers have been at pursuing ‘ a careful policy of highly selective culling , a scientific approach to hind and calf management . ’
2 Everywhere in public life , old families , old money and titles have been in decline , while business has advanced .
3 Conservatives councils in shires , districts and cities have been at the forefront of these reforms .
4 The report and accounts have been in your hands for the statutory period er , and you 've had the chance to read my statement .
5 This does not mean that the objective differences in wealth and income have been in any way reduced , but relationships have become easier and more informal .
6 After making a living in London and Scotland the family moved to Spennymoor in 1905 and Coias have been in the town ever since .
7 Tony and Jean have been in their present home for two years .
8 Traditional beer and pubs have been under threat for decades — and remain so today .
9 Major shortcomings in company organisation and management have been at the centre of Britain 's unsatisfactory economic performance .
10 In the past , Congress , personnel departments and management have been in the privileged position of using computer technology .
11 Brian , you and Kerrie have been in temporary accommodation since January 1991 .
12 Fashion and make-up have been with us for a very long time indeed — there are make-up palettes surviving from ancient Egypt — and although men in certain times and cultures may devote a lot of effort to their appearance , it has remained chiefly a feminine domain .
13 Brussels , Copenhagen , Strasbourg , Madrid , Heraklion and Cambridge have been among the front runners of 48 competing cities .
14 A magnificent example of the ‘ Paxford says ’ routine is provided when Maureen and Minto have been into Oxford to get two wireless sets on approval .
15 I suspect that tensions concerning rights , freedoms and responsibilities have been with us since the earliest days of humanity .
16 John Innes and peat have been with us ever since .
17 Defamation , blasphemy and sedition have been with us for centuries , but in recent years new rods have been fashioned and old ones polished for editorial backs : breach of confidence , contempt of court , official secrecy , " D " notices , incitement to disaffection , prevention of terrorism , copyright — the grounds for censorship are legion .
18 The problem is to seek the correct balance , and to this end monitoring and studies have been in progress since 1989 .
19 In many countries teachers and academics have been at the forefront of the fight for justice , democracy , trade union and human rights — the Pro-Democracy movements in China , South Korea and Myanmar have all been led by students and academics — and they have suffered for their non-violent dissent .
20 Individual properties and relations have been with us since Aristotle , and have had the support of such diverse philosophers as Peirce and Stout , but they have not always got a good name .
21 You and Brian have been through a lot , living in different emergency housing places .
22 In the past nine years , he says , he and Kinnock have been to hell and back together but ( unless Sisyphus intrude these columns again ) paradise now seems tantalisingly close .
23 Brothers Jim and Dixie have been to the fore during Maghery 's charge into the decider and Lurgan aces Clan na gael know that they must combat this dual threat if they are to succeed .
24 Cities such as Sheffield and Manchester have been at the forefront of examining alternatives to residential health care to ensure that people can live happily in the community .
25 Since the ‘ two-plus-four ’ process began , Britain and France have been in tune , notably on a place for Poland when the talks turn to frontiers .
26 By now God and Abraham have been through a great deal together .
27 IBOA and its members have grave concerns about this development and negotiations have been in progress for the past number of months .
28 … in recent weeks , Bush and Major have been under some pressure from the families of people who died at Lockerbie .
29 Woosnam and Olazabal have been in more contemplative mood after further moderate performances in New Orleans .
30 it 's just that my mum and dad have been on ones where they do n't know where they 're going , Greece
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