Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb base] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 As the waves or pulses pass down the fibre they mix with their delayed echoes .
2 Brown & Levinson point out the importance for social relationships of establishing common ground and agreeing on points of view , and illustrate the lengths to which speakers in different cultures will go to maintain an appearance of agreement , and they remark ‘ agreement may also be stressed by repeating part or all of what the preceding speaker has said ’ ( 1978:117 )
3 Even today , he is sure that subconsciously the experience continues to affect him , especially when storm , rain or trees trigger off the train of associations .
4 For single quotes or apostrophes leave out the Shift key .
5 The aisles and galleries continue round the whole building .
6 Brother and sister walk down the gang-plank
7 Now Alex and Judy take up the story …
8 When I do that , it 's like summat inside of me is pulled out and streaks back up the street , under all the lights , right round the corner to where I ca n't see .
9 He was watching Jack and Floss go down the ride towards the feeding-ground .
10 Keynesians and monetarists disagree over the shape and stability of the liquidity preference curve ( the demand for money curve ) .
11 Pauline and Pat climb out the window
12 Of the relatively small amount of CDs issued in other currencies , yen and ECU make up the bulk .
13 Seals and walrus live around the coasts , minke whales , belugas and other cetaceans are often seen , and of course there are the birds .
14 A Manor and Dukedog take over the train at Birmingham .
15 Unless the promoter of change has the power to reward the new form of behaviour and/or penalize persistence with the old form of behaviour , schemas are unlikely to change whatever managerial symbols and signals circulate around the organization .
16 A five-strong British team will contest the Commonwealth Tournament at Northumberland Golf Club from 6 — 8 June ; Great Britain and Ireland take on the Continent of Europe for the Vagliano Trophy at Nairn from 20 — 21 September , and the four Home countries will be among the line-up for the European Team Championship at Wentworth from 10 — 14 July .
17 Together Sinton and Hero take over the Limelight every Thursday and offer a platform to new bands .
18 from the first of 1 january 1994 a treaty between the EC and EFTA open up the previous regulations for work permits between the countries of the EC ( or maybe EEC ? — eg Great Britain , Spain , Germany + 10 and EFTA ( Norway , Sweden , Switzerland + a couple of others ) .
19 Thus , whilst Wallis and Gusfield disagree over the likely causes of resentment , both appear to be identifying ‘ status groups ’ as central to moral campaigns .
20 Everywhere the willow grows and dragonflies hover over the wide ditches or rhymes .
21 After dinner , the hotel cabaret and band take over the easy task of keeping you happy .
22 The bag is difficult to get a hold on , but eventually he manages to secure a line to it and troops back up the road to the waiting vehicles .
23 Often current slang and colloquialisms make up the bulk of such people 's language .
24 Several details have been omitted and I shall say nothing about the way Venus and the Sun move around their orbits , except that the point O on Venus 's orbit always lies between the Earth ( E ) and the Sun ( S ) , that V moves around O , and O and S move around the Earth .
25 ‘ Ribbon plates ’ , crochet work and brasses brighten up the confined space which represents the entire living space for the family .
26 Both Blumler , examining coverage by 31 BBC and ITV regional stations , and Hetherington bring out the extensive nature of these programmes , although performance has varied considerably between the regions , with stations in Scotland , Wales and the North appearing to pay more attention to Parliament than stations in the South or the Midlands .
27 Dawn can be hectic during lambing ; the warmth of the day helps the new-born lamb survive its first few hours and staff work round the clock in case something goes wrong .
28 But that figure is dwarfed by the loss of the revenue and profits stream over the life of the field .
29 Situations which involve deeper water out of doors need very careful supervision , but a small group of children with an adult could visit a bridge to watch boats move underneath as cars and buses go over the top .
30 The northern tribes , Dan , Asher and Naphtali bring up the rear .
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