Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [adv] [vb -s] that " in BNC.

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1 Pregnant women are generally advised to reduce their MHR by about 20–25 per cent — the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists cautiously recommends that pregnant women do n't exercise above 140bpm — so the Pacer could help you run sensibly during pregnancy .
2 In the industrial type of society there is , according to Spencer , a tendency for central regulation and coercive control to decline and to be replaced by representative institutions and a more diffuse system of regulation ; but this view is then qualified in various ways , and Spencer finally concludes that representative government depends largely upon the existence of a particular type of economy the laissez-faire free-enterprise economy — which creates the conditions in which ‘ multitudinous objects are achieved by spontaneously evolved combinations of citizens governed representatively ’ .
3 The simple fact that pianos with and without checks existed side by side in the Vienna of Mozart , Haydn and Beethoven also shows that at least two different schools of playing the piano co-existed around 1800 .
4 And Troilus immediately confesses that this was his real motive behind his defence of the present Trojan stance .
5 Although I should have preferred there to be no reduction , the fact that the priorities within the Northern Ireland block are law , order and security inevitably means that there are consequences which fall to other matters , and housing is one .
6 It 's a marvellous chance for Dana , and Roman obviously recognises that she 's an outstanding model . ’
7 In the first place , they presuppose that classes correctly perceive the constraints of their situations and modify their strategies accordingly , and Poulantzas elsewhere acknowledges that it would be extremely rash to make such an assumption .
8 And Israel only knows that its " way is hidden from Yahweh " ( A ) in that its cause is ignored , it does not receive its rights ( B ) .
9 Yet research into contemporary demography and statistics soon demonstrates that in recent years there have been dramatic changes in trends and patterns of marriage , divorce and cohabitation .
10 And Cecil now suggests that Tenby may have been short of oxygen because his tongue was over his bit .
11 And Boutin still believes that his horse will hit the heights again .
12 And Glauber also implies that the forms and images in which this experience is expressed are not fixed but open and changing .
13 The greatly increased life expectancy of both men and women today means that the children of many of them may themselves be entering old age when they , the parents , are really in need of care .
14 Actually , I can vouch that some young heterosexual men of John 's age were also obsessed by fancy clothes , and observation today suggests that the interest has not died out .
15 GUIL taps a hand , changes his mind , taps the other , and ROS inadvertently reveals that he has a coin in both fists . )
16 Lady Bertram advises Fanny that ‘ it is every woman 's duty to accept such a very exceptional offer ’ and Edmund also thinks that it is ‘ most advantageous and desirable ’ .
17 The West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List allocates him a reign of three years , with one variant reading of two , but Bede also says that Caedwalla reigned for two years before his abdication in 688 ( HE IV , 12 : V , 7 ) ( see also above , p. 51 ) .
18 But Djwa rightly perceives that ‘ reading through Cohen 's work we become aware of an unsatisfied search for an absolute . ’
19 But Gilligan also says that she is not interested simply in data , and that her arguments do not depend on the statistical significance of her results .
20 But Bolinger also believes that there is a correlation with syntax , or at least with the facts of surface syntactic form .
21 In that it gives us ‘ knowledge ’ , as opposed to mere ‘ belief ’ or ‘ faith ’ , of course it has ; but Locke also means that revelation must be answerable to reason .
22 The destination of the remaining carbon is not clear , but Sedjo now proposes that it is in fact being absorbed by the new plantations in temperate lands .
23 It is a purely cosmetic move , but Parker truly believes that many of the mainframe 's problems at the moment are cosmetic .
24 Prost 's result does little to further his cause in the championship if he has to drop his lower scores but Senna now knows that he must win the final two races in Japan and Australia .
25 But survivalism also demands that you conquer inner threats or weaknesses , harden yourself against feeling and femininity — NWA , for example , see all women as harpies and exploiters , and prefer sadistic/anal/oral sex to anything more involving .
26 But Smith now concedes that without Dziekanowski his side lacks flair and style .
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