Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [noun pl] had be " in BNC.

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1 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
2 By 1623 the disafforestment and sale of the woods and wastes of Chippenham and Melksham Forests had been accomplished : Bowood Park alone was reserved to the Crown in that part of Wiltshire .
3 However , London Transport was unwilling to go to the expense of refitting proper external lighting and the headlamp masks were never removed , as they incorporated red slides for display at the rear end of the car and the combined side lamps-tail lamps and route numbers had been removed or rendered ineffective at the beginning of the war .
4 It was also reported that considerable quantities of files and computer disks had been seized during the raids .
5 JEWELLER Carol Darby could not suppress a smile when she heard that Princess Anne 's engagement and wedding rings had been made by royal jewellers Garrard .
6 The good communications between the firm 's Queensferry and Ayr plants had been more important .
7 The County and Borough authorities had been informed that accommodation at the workhouse was too limited for it to be used as a place of detention under the Children 's Act of 1909 .
8 One of the first rules of house and hall parties had been to scout the building for dark corners that might make useful retiring-places if the evening went well — preference was given to anywhere that had a lock on the inside .
9 The Society prospered , although at its 1852 annual public tea it could hardly hold a Christmas cheese and wine party members were saddened by the numbers that had fallen from grace once the hay and corn harvests had been collected .
10 However , a number of respondents specifically mentioned that training staff in new documentation and audit procedures had been their biggest headache and the largest single item of cost .
11 ‘ So what ? ’ , said the Federation , having shown by budgetary analysis that British pensioners also fared on just 7/ a week after rent and fuel costs had been paid .
12 Finding that the Middlesbrough , Shields and Seaham branches had been accumulating funds , the Sunderland officials demanded that any surplus cash should be handed over to them at head office , threatening , according to Wilson 's account , " drastic action " if they failed to do so .
13 The French commission of inquiry found that the modification to the cargo door locking and vent mechanisms had been only partially carried out by the aircraft manufacturers before delivery to Turkish Airlines in December 1972 , six months after the Windsor accident .
14 The first quarter deficit had been about 80,000 million roubles , although January and February had shown a 12,200 million rouble surplus , as concessions on social spending and tax cuts had been made towards the end of the first quarter .
15 By the next day the railways were paralysed and Paris bus stations , metro lines and post offices had been occupied .
16 The public-sector and service industries had been unable to give the required 10 days ' notice for participation , but 10,000,000 people employed in other sectors took part .
17 Even the partition between the front and back seats had been blacked out .
18 Had the situation been different and plastic bullets had been fired , the longer-term consequence would have been to have moved the police significantly towards the position where the use of baton rounds was perceived by them as an appropriate method of crowd dispersal during large-scale civil disturbance .
19 Prior to January 1984 Medway and Bridge Roads had been relatively quiet residential roads .
20 Meanwhile , the NSF-controlled radio and television services had been calling its supporters to come to the square ; some were brought by lorry , and by mid-evening they had forced the anti-NSF demonstrators , now outnumbered , to retreat from the Square .
21 Because both test and control groups had been singled out for special attention a group pride had developed and this became the motivation for improved performance .
22 Food and cigarette butts had been trodden into the precious carpet .
23 Members of the special constabulary and traffic wardens had been staffing telephones to deal with the ‘ tremendous ’ response from the public : every hour they were taking 150 calls .
24 Clothes , bottles , books and baby wipes had been left with him .
25 Both planes and helicopter gunships had been used .
26 The action was alleged to have been initiated around Jan. 22 , at about the same time as other Kuwaiti oil wells and storage tanks had been set alight in an apparent attempt to disrupt the allied air campaign .
27 In March 1898 Leslie Johnson , the general treasurer , reported to an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee that the union was roughly £pound1,600 in debt and that the Glasgow , Dublin , Cork , Swansea , Aberdeen and Ardrossan branches had been closed with wages owing to twelve or more branch officials .
28 In a report in October 1989 Amnesty International noted that in 1988 at least 50 peasants , trade unionists , Indians and church workers had been murdered in rural areas , usually at the instigation of landowners or land speculators and with the apparent collusion of the police .
29 They also expressed their concern that a manse and church buildings had been searched by the police , and items of an ecclesiastical nature removed .
30 Between the cities the blue-green jungle was riven with great scars where plasma cannon and barrage bombs had been tested .
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