Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [noun pl] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sprinkle Cajun Seasoning on fish , chops or chicken breasts to give them zing .
2 Since we know that the periodicity of some variables is longer than the monitoring already carried out by human beings , we must make use of surrogate or proxy variables to extend our range of knowledge ( such as via tree rings , palynology , oxygen isotope ratios from ice cores and geomorphological evidence of environmental change ) ;
3 Increasingly , hotels and restaurants are imposing deposits , reservation fees or cancellation charges to cover themselves against the revenue lost through this loss of business .
4 This popular attachment to church festivities persisted well into Elizabeth 's reign , the laity demonstrating their affection for them by vociferously opposing the efforts of godly ministers or town corporations to suppress them .
5 PATIENTS so short-sighted they could scarcely see their car from 25 yards can now see well enough without glasses or contact lenses to read its number plate .
6 If it 's difficult to make the tool shed secure , think about buying army surplus steel lockers or ammunition boxes to lock your tools in , and if necessary bolt the containers to the floor .
7 I extend a standing invitation to any firm that is not being paid on time by any of the country 's 100 largest companies or Government Departments to allow me to take up its case individually .
8 You are going to need a pair of kitchen scales or letter scales to weigh your food accurately .
9 The mundane world view says this is just ‘ one of those things ’ , that you have unwittingly allowed vegetable peelings or food scraps to bung it up — and so you probably did .
10 Lions may learn to jump through hoops or sea lions to clap their flippers while balancing a ball on their noses , but lions jump over obstacles in their home territory or laze around under a favourite tree , while sea lions are naturally dexterous , chasing fish with great skill .
11 The second scheme , the Mobility Mortgage , allows borrowers forced to move for work or family reasons to transfer their existing mortgage , including the negative equity part , to a new home .
12 Hard boil your eggs with a few drops of pink dye or coffee grains to make them skin-coloured .
13 It tailors its therapeutic help to meet each child 's needs and brings together residential and field workers to smooth their path out of care .
14 ‘ The FBI 's solution … is to force the telecommunications and computer industries to redesign their modernized systems to accommodate the Bureau 's needs …
15 With the technical assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organisation it has begun digging terraces , and building dams to stop its topsoil disappearing .
16 Before you are lured by the blandishments of the banks and building societies to tie your money up in fixed term bonds , think twice — you may be locking yourself out from some excellent investment opportunities .
17 Ron Morris tells how Roseberry 's first project involved residents in the Langridge Crescent area of Middlesbrough in planning and building homes to suit their need for both housing and employment .
18 Since 1892 , we at Bob Martin have been developing , improving , refining and perfecting our Flea Treatments , Wormers and Condition Tablets to make them the best you can get your paws on .
19 In the first half his passing had the right weight and direction to give Williams and Wright opportunities to use their speed against the Yugoslav defence and bypass the sweeper , Petric .
20 To end this features roundup , we need to mention timecode generation facilities ( VITC or RCTC ) for frame-accurate editing — see Chapter 8 for more on this new development ; ‘ edit switches ’ for optimising the quality of your camcorder 's video signal output when copying tapes onto another machine ; remote control handsets for camcorders ; and SP/LP sliders to switch you from Standard recording speed to Long Play .
21 The music is urgent , disco and rock numbers to speed you on your way .
22 The first such coins were made from electrum from the rivers that flowed down from the Troilus Mountains , but advantage was soon taken of the different status in the traditional value system of the gold and silver components to separate them and use them for different denominations .
23 FORON uses a mix of butane and propane gases to cool its fridges , rather than CFCs .
24 A lengthy menu is characterised by sweet and sour combinations , variable amounts of chilli , expensive soups , coconut milk and crates of spices with seven items vegetarian and salad sections to complement lots of meat and shellfish .
25 This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons .
26 She was flicked back against him , clamped closer with one powerful arm , and as he looked down at her , hard and intent , he made brief , rhythmic movements , flexing chest and thigh muscles to make her slide down his body , her heart hammering … he was practically making love to her on the dance-floor .
27 This is quite easy with the E6000 as the width of the knitting is programmed into the console , but on the Duomatic 80 , when knitting with the Deco and one colour , watch that the lock passes far enough past the right edge of the work to allow the Deco and arrow keys to do their job properly .
28 Since then , meetings , election arts manifesto commitments , letters to ministers and MPs and information to film and crafts workers to develop their own pressure points have all been sustained , as bulging files show !
29 Apart from the deepening and modification of the existing central window openings of each main gable to create garden access doors , the only other alterations to the external appearance were modifications to the existing very high classroom windows of the east and south elevations to reconcile them with the newly inserted upper floor and gallery .
30 They compared groups of virgins , non-contraceptors , contraceptors and pregnant girls on their ability to anticipate the consequences of actions , to generate solutions and plan steps to implement them , in a variety of hypothetical problems unrelated to contraception .
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