Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 or part of it at leapt , should be united with this parish under one Kirk session , they associate with them as a member of Session . "
2 If you have not made stock from the bone , place the whole bone or part of it in the pan with the measured amount of water , not stock .
3 comments you could consider entering it or part of it in one of the many fiction competitions or submitting it in total to a which takes fiction .
4 Killing someone was one thing , but this was worse ; there was no honour or morality in it at all .
5 With reference to individuals in public life , if a serious allegation is made the public now expects the question of the truth or falsity of it to be demonstrated by the taking of proceedings , whether the proceedings result in a decision of the court or an apology and settlement .
6 We may also collect factual information on the ability and attitude of individual pupils and on their background in the subject concerned ; this last is of importance because the level of demand on pupils can only be judged in the knowledge of how far the material concerned is new to them and of their record of success or failure with it in the past .
7 NOTICE To : Smith & Jones ( Contracts ) Limited , whose registered office is situate at Coldharbour Road , Thames Marshes , Essex WHEREAS ( 1 ) You are justly and truly indebted in the sum of £1250 to Robinson Bros Ltd trading as Go Fast Transport whose registered office is situate at Cornmarket Chambers Ipswich Suffolk more particularly in respect of transport costs for the quick delivery of fragile machine equipment and related warehousing costs ( 2 ) By Section 517 ( 1 ) ( f ) of the Companies Act 1985 it is provided that a company may be wound up by the court if the company is unable to pay its debts ( exceeding £750 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you pursuant to Section 518(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 that you are required to pay the said sum of £1250 to Go Fast Transport ( GFT ) not later than 3 weeks from tomorrow 's date AND that if you neglect to pay the said sum or to secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of GFT an application will be made to the court for your winding up by petition presented by GFT under the provisions of Section 519 of the Companies Act 1985 .
8 Section 123(1) of the Insolvency Act 1986 provides that a company is deemed unable to pay its debts if a creditor ( by assignment or otherwise ) to whom the company is indebted in a sum exceeding £750 then due has served on the company , by leaving it at the company 's registered office , a written demand ( in the prescribed form ) requiring the company to pay the sum so due and the company has for three weeks thereafter neglected to pay the sum or to secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of the creditor .
9 A debtor appears unable to pay a debt if the debt is payable immediately and either : ( i ) the petitioning creditor has served on the debtor a statutory demand in the prescribed form requiring him to pay the debt or to secure or compound for it to the satisfaction of the creditor , at least three weeks have elapsed since the demand was served and the demand has been neither complied with nor set aside ( s 268(1) ( a ) ) ; or ( ii ) execution or other enforcement action on a judgment has been returned unsatisfied in whole or in part ( s 268(1) ( b ) ) .
10 Any tax charge under ss671 and 672 is assessed under Case VI of Schedule D , and the settlor is entitled to any deduction or relief against it as if it had been received by him as income .
11 For a wait-and-see approach to work , the patient has to come back regularly for decay or lack of it to be assessed .
12 or or lack of it of our clients with the stop go attitude .
13 For each change , can you specify receivers with particular knowledge or lack of it for whom the new use would be correct ?
14 Resource is therefore not the problem with synthetic fuels and the progress or lack of it in the industry is a function and a consequence of the price and availability of hydrocarbons .
15 Tom and Terry , but especially Terry , wanted to know everything about us immediately : where we 'd been to school ; what we 'd studied ; the history of the British constitution , or lack of it from an American point of view ; what the real situation was in Ireland ; why did n't Brian hit me when I responded to a proffered cigarette with , ‘ Fuck off out of my life , you wheedling Irish bastard ’ ?
16 At that time , Grand Met entered into an option whereby Brent Walker could sell Whyte & Mackay to it for £150m at any time before October 31 . ’
17 I would n't be without this for the world and use it , or parts of it for different jobs all the time .
18 The idea that the army should be a microcosm of the nation , or representative of it in any true sense , would have seemed to most contemporaries ridiculous or even shocking .
19 If supplementary benefit is an inducement to strike activity , then knowledge of how the system operates and reliance on it as a source of livelihood must enter into workers ' plans before embarking on strikes .
20 With a little more attention to the parser it could have been a Sizzler , but even as it stands it 's well worth your dosh so get out there and part with it at once !
21 The School Government Regulations even allow the governors to decide that any matter ‘ by reason of its nature ’ should be treated as confidential and so exclude papers and minutes about it from public scrutiny .
22 Photographic memories apart , most people forget about 50% of what they 've read within minutes of putting the book down , and 80% of it within twenty-four hours .
23 It 's part and parcel of it for a woman , do n't you agree ? ’
24 The development of the law along these lines is recent and confirmation of it by an august Commission is ominous .
25 But its possession , the sight and weight of it on her key ring , had come to symbolize for her the certainty and the trust of their friendship .
26 Yet once he had started he applied his mind and industry to it with such vigour that he had mastered more books in that short space than any child before or since .
27 8 Mark in the beds and borders on it to the dimensions required , in the required positions .
28 Instead of which too many locals see the tourists arrive in Puerto Maldonaldo and speed across it to the river without even buying a Coke .
29 I was calling the L-shaped room home for the first time , and thinking of it as such .
30 On a Formica table it was so patently stupid that they left the shaking and washing and ironing of it to her in contempt .
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