Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Hambrecht & Quist Inc and Robertson , Stephens & Co LP will manage the underwriting group , Dialogic said .
2 He says if it 's not cut down it literally chokes the jungle and so every four or five years the mangrove is cut and then it grows again like a blackthorn or hawthorn hedge would grow .
3 We also know that people who have lost a limb , or had a stroke or heart disease can get back their mobility and their health in a way that would have seemed quite impossible only twenty years ago .
4 Your local bus or rail station can supply booklets on places to visit , or country walks within reach of big cities .
5 The social gains from an efficient road or rail network may exceed the private benefit for which direct users are prepared to pay .
6 A glance at the Financial Times or Money Management will reveal the large number and variety of offshore funds in existence .
7 Candidates using them for project or course work may have an advantage if spelling is one of the skills being tested .
8 In times of high interest rates , keeping your money in a safe investment such as a bank or building society can make sense .
9 You can always do your own survey , even though your bank or building society will insist on its own mortgage survey .
10 The bank manager , accountant , solicitor or building contractor might have something to offer at a particular time or for a particular purpose but they would not be fully established voting members of the group .
11 Examination of faeces by smear , flotation , or Baerman technique will reveal the L1 with a straight tail which differentiates it in fresh canine faeces from those of Oslerus , Filaroides and Angiostrongylus .
12 Marital strife , early , abnormal or unwanted pregnancies , anxiety , depression or drug dependency can compound the risks of parents abusing their children .
13 Once triggered , the sufferer 's diseased spirit says " more " and there is no predicting when the spree of further alcohol or drug use will stop .
14 A sub-contractor who holds an I , S or P certificate must present the actual certificate to the builder for inspection .
15 Your history department or geography department may say well if we had a micro we 'd be able to do such and such and they 'll think about that in competition with other needs — textbooks or whatever _ so you 'll see departments using them , as I say , in the same way that we 'd use other sophisticated aids .
16 Physical skills such as slow breathing or chewing gum can reduce the heart rate and thereby lessen the automatic appraisal of the stressor as threatening .
17 Always ensure that the initial climbing angles on a winch or car launch will allow time for a safe recovery into the glide if the cable breaks .
18 For some postgraduates , their chosen course or research specialism may form a natural stepping-stone into a subsequent career .
19 An office or interview room can take up a lot of expensive display space .
20 Second , it is office software , so that the college , school , or department office may use it too — with the same implications .
21 For example an R & ID department can specify " the resources it needs and even the direction of its work .
22 On the other hand , a picture destined for a drawing or sitting room might look better with a gold frame or a wooden one that complements the room .
23 Book provision in any one system is centrally coordinated — though in very large systems a regional or subsystem structure may take over many of the coordination functions .
24 A typical RNA preparation from a tissue sample or cell culture will contain around 2% of mRNA or less , with 98% ribosomal RNA ( rRNA ) and transfer RNA ( tRNA ) .
25 It is probable that the species commonly called summer or spring wheat will continue to be the favourite sort of this grain ; and although the cultivation of it may not perhaps be advisable in general over the Hebrides , yet , in consequence of various circumstances favourable to it in Islay , and especially the building of a flour mill by the enlightened and patriotic proprietor , ( which cost him £1200 ) , this valuable crop may be extended over a large portion of the best farms in the island .
26 A yacht or fishing vessel would find it quite easy to evade our controls and could carry large amounts of contraband .
27 But MI5 deliberately ignored them as and when it suited because it believed no prime minister or Home Secretary would interfere nor would any member of the service break ranks and tell the truth about what really went on inside MI5 .
28 Nothing can substitute for the health advice your doctor or specialist clinic can provide before you go on a trip to some exotic and far-flung destination , but we thought it worthwhile to turn to one very frequent business traveller for some of his tips .
29 The successor to Telecomputing 's TPM , the TP+ transaction processing monitor for Unix from UK firm Gresham Telecomputing Plc , Southampton , Hampshire , has at last found its place in the sun with the signing of an agreement under which Dun & Bradstreet Software will market the product worldwide as a key element in Unix line initially for Hewlett-Packard Co , ICL Plc , Data General Corp and Digital Equipment Corp machines .
30 To begin with , members of the mother or core church may feel the pain of bereavement .
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