Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] and [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Because of its superior formal authority , Congress can require the bureaucracy to state what combinations of price and quantity or budget and output it can offer before Congress releases its demand information .
2 Stress tends to move , or strain , the fibres , crystals , granules or molecules and cause them to slide over one another into a deformation of the material .
3 6 assorted jars of chutney , unused ( I do n't know about you but I seem to accumulate chutney , pickles , lemon curd , etc. , faster than I can demolish it and rather than throw it away when useless , I 'd prefer to give it a good home — the best way of all is to sneak the jars into the National Trust shop at your local Hall or Towers and leave them among the chutneys already there )
4 The water cycle is often depicted as a simple system of circulation that takes water from the sea as vapour , deposits it on land as rain or snow and returns it quickly to the sea by way of rivers .
5 It also reduces the load on the tail-skid or wheel and makes it slip sideways more easily .
6 First , take the legs and heave them up and over ; then grab the body by the arms or legs and drag it to the edge … no , that would n't be practicable , that way the killer would be moving backwards and be the first to fall .
7 The trick is to paint the walls the colour of the background of the paper , using a matt emulsion paint , then cut the paper into equal rectangles or squares and stick them on the walls in regularly spaced ‘ panels ’ .
8 They echo the theme set in last year 's CBI Business Agenda for the 1990s with the emphasis on controlling inflation , public spending , strengthening the Department of Trade & Industry and giving it responsibility for the National Economic Development Council and opposing a national minimum wage .
9 Common methods of ink sharing include embedding ink in existing documents , files or databases and sending it via electronic mail ; providing clipboard operations ; and supporting inter-application transfers .
10 Perhaps you used to go and pawn the husbands suits or a anything like that till the following Saturday or Friday and fetch them out you see , and that cos there was very for people in them days , I mean they did n't get a deal of help from anywhere .
11 This form of aggression , if not leading to an outright kill , can easily stress the attacked coral or anemone and cause them to bleach and eventually die .
12 Far better to catch the parent in the playground or corridor and ask them to spare five minutes when it 's convenient just to pop in to have a quiet little chat .
13 It is up to you whether you choose to leave the wood in its natural state , or stain and varnish it — either way you will not affect the performance of the press , simply make it look more attractive .
14 Doody notes that Leapor picks up Swift 's characters or anti-characters and turns them to her own purposes .
15 The methods of testing varies from kit to kit , but most consist of taking a sample of water and adding a few drops of the special reagent or tablet and giving it a shake .
16 Ask for advice or help and discuss it with your colleagues .
17 To start the game give the first player the bottle or jar and ask him to hold it on his head .
18 They employ us to carry out this work , to negotiate on their behalf with the combined forces of the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise and to advise them on a multitude of matters from advertising costs to wage negotiations .
19 In cases of mild illness , such as coughs and colds , often all you can do is let children rest and give them over-the-counter medication to relieve pain or fever and help them to sleep .
20 Poppa says I can go to London or Paris and have them make my trousseau if I want . ’
21 All I had to do was to train chicks on either methylanthranilate or water and hand them over to Roger , who would disappear into the neurophysiology lab with them and emerge many hours later with reams of paper which he would begin to analyse .
22 Reform ( or ‘ rehabilitation ’ ) is the idea that punishment can reduce the incidence of crime by taking a form which will improve the individual offender 's character or behaviour and make him or her less likely to re-offend in future .
23 They used to call it drawing or clipping and scalloping you see .
24 It might also be prudent to make notes of any conversations which have a major bearing on your status or prospects and retain them in your job file .
25 Loyalist protesters have shouted ‘ SS-RUC ’ and ‘ Dublin 's lap dogs ’ , whilst some elected MPs have exhorted RUC men to resign or mutiny and warned them of the possible consequences of their ‘ disloyalty ’ ( ibid . ) .
26 Where the people rest with their wood or timber and unload it from carts outside the close of the franchise of the Charterhouse among the towns , and afterwards take up their loads of the same wood or timber , the Foresters attach them and amerce them grievously at their will without right .
27 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
28 The emphasis on defining the system in terms of its purposes or objectives and analysing it in terms of its functions are the characteristics of the systems approach .
29 The most sophisticated cooks use lemon grass whole or coarsely cut when preparing the stock for a soup or sauce and remove it when the dish is almost complete , replacing it with fine slices to focus and refresh the flavour .
30 The the point Peter er is making is do n't make it out to us because if you if you give me a cheque to Worsley I 've got to go to Peter 's house and and then get him to give me a cheque and then I 've got to go to either Kerry or Bob and get them
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