Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 MANSUR MUHAMMAD AHMED RAJIH : a 34-year-old writer and poet , he was held without charge or trial for over a year before being sentenced to death in 1984 after an unfair trial on false criminal charges .
2 ‘ I speak on behalf of the Labour Party when I say that it is not , and never has been , the duty or responsibility of either a local or education authority to promote homosexuality ...
3 Girls also tend to take certain subjects at school or university in much the same way as they are segregated into particular jobs .
4 The pitch of each blade should be adjusted until both tips are running at exactly the same height , or tracking in exactly the same path .
5 To analyze the stability of open complexes formed at these two promoters , a 339 bp DNA fragment containing both P A2b and P A3 was incubated with σ A -RNA polymerase at 37°C , with or without protein p4 , and in the absence or presence of either the initiating NTPs GTP and UTP , the dinucleotide GpU , or GpU plus ATP .
6 But the other two main additions to the new kingdom — Slovenia and Croatia — had been under the rule of Austria or Hungary for approximately the same period of time .
7 We can also recognise a letter , character or figure from just a part of the whole , or even a collection of dots that approximate what the letter should look like .
8 This leads him to conclude that the Sons of Light , the Sons of Truth , the Sons of Zadok , or Zaddikim ( Zadokites ) , the Men of Melchizedek ( the z-d-k ending reflecting a variation of Zadok ) , the Ebionim ( the Poor ) , the Hassidim ( the Essenes ) and the Nozrim ( the Nazareans ) are ultimately one and the same — not different groups , but different metaphors or appellations for essentially the same group , or the same movement .
9 He was a tall handsome man with huge white teeth ; a magician who could conjure coins or playing-cards from inside the pockets and behind the ears of small boys .
10 Many pilots are unaware of the significance of dirty wing surfaces and of rain or drizzle on both the performance and the stalling characteristics of gliders .
11 After 300 miles none of our testers reported any discernible wear or compression in either the midsole or the outsole , although one did report a slight separation of the midsole from the outsole around the heel .
12 The small changes in drybulb and dewpoint temperatures between points of regulation at each 7.6m along the chamber had no significant influence on the relationship of c i /c a of individual species or cultivars to c a .
13 Potential recruits might be reassured if they knew that in matters like these the governors would call on independent investigators or assessors from outside the school .
14 Students who are on a part-time course or on a postgraduate course , or students from outside the United Kingdom , will not normally be eligible for a loan .
15 If you are ever carrying heavy loads , break up the load into a number of cases or boxes at approximately the same weight .
16 Ms or Mr Trim wakes up for an early morning drink , has tea or coffee with either no milk or skimmed milk and definitely no sugar .
17 In February of this year a resolution calling for its enactment was passed by the Liberal Party Council , and it has also been supported by many individuals and groups in both the Labour and Conservative parties .
18 The British electorate regularly disprove this by electing governments in the teeth of the hostility and mispresentation of virtually the whole of the press .
19 report all accidents and damage to both the appropriate client representative and the Overdrive supervisor whether persons are injured or not .
20 Formed to fill a long-standing local need , ‘ Cheshire Lines ’ is the culmination of some years of suggestions and discussions by quite a number of railway enthusiasts in the Stockport area .
21 Cos last week I did n't see Rosie and Jim until nearly the end of the week .
22 The impact of behavioural change is notoriously difficult to quantify , but Hugh Aldous is convinced that steadily-rising profits and improvements in practically every financial indicator show that Robson Rhodes is on the right track .
23 People remained active long after their eightieth year , and ages of over a hundred were common .
24 Use has thus evolved on a pragmatic basis : casual observation by the author showed that vehicles rarely crossed the junction at more than 15 km/h ; that they gave way to walkers and cyclists in nearly every case ( Figure 6.15 ) and indeed that some pedestrians failed even to bother to look for traffic before crossing .
25 The necessities of equipping the armed forces , preserving the home population at a decent minimum level and running an efficient war economy brought government control and direction into almost every aspect of people 's lives .
26 More important , to claim that a film can ‘ inject ’ the gullible , mid-American viewer with homophobia is to interpret the relation between representation and action in precisely the same crude , causal way as a Jesse Helms or a Mary Whitehouse .
27 Towards the late afternoon , exhausted by its own violence , it began to die slowly and soon the ‘ great noise for nothing ’ became a gasping puff , The doors were opened and we stared at the drifts of dust which had banked against houses and cars in much the same way that snow drifts against walls and trees .
28 Although insignificant on the map , it has long been a magnet drawing folk from the Dales on repeated visits ; latterly there has been a growing influx of tourists and walkers from outside the county to see the magnificent waterfall of Hardraw Force .
29 His range of roles has crossed many more adventurous and challenging boundaries , from the devil himself through to perhaps his now most famous portrayal of The Joker in Batman and when Nicholson insists that everything he does on screen is in some way autobiographical , delves into what makes him tick find contradictions and confusion at almost every turn .
30 Kleiman suggested that this was because his shadowing task had occupied space in the readers ' " working memory " — a kind of short-term memory useful in retaining numbers and words for just a few seconds .
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