Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe if I was really hard up with no career or opportunities in life I might feel differently .
2 This means that in an ideal world a new mailing list has to be compiled for each story or piece of information you want to impart to the media .
3 He also cited the fact that they had not profited personally from their conduct , that they had " a record of long and distinguished service " , and that all had already in terms of emotional anguish and damaged careers paid a price which was " grossly disproportionate to any misdeeds or errors of judgement they might have committed " .
4 yeah recruiting , dog shitting on their street etc etc etc that we do our best to deal with in the yer know time honoured tradition of a policeman and a and we 're police officer sorry , sorry Trace , er and er we just you know I think it 's more a P R O thing than er anybody , but I do n't expect you to man it , I do n't expect Jenny or Ann or or Jane to man it
5 Second , in order to assess the tax rate or charge for pollution it would still be necessary to calculate the overall costs and benefits of marginal changes in the amount of pollution .
6 Without pause or sign of remorse he swung his flashlight on the brothers and raised his rod again .
7 When your attention is so wrapped around the problems or situations in hand it is easy to lose sight of your own body 's requirements .
8 That every person is an end in himself or herself is related to the fact that the only thing which is good without qualification and in all circumstances is a good will , something which everyone has the potential to be , whatever talents or gifts of fortune they may or may not possess .
9 If a pole is beyond repair most manufacturers can supply replacement poles or lengths of pole you cut to fit .
10 and one boy chose to write about plumbing and do you know , he found that there was nothing written down about plumbing in the early nineteen seventies there were one or two plumbing text books , they were very expensive and you could only get them through The Institute of Plumbers plumbing is something that until about nineteen seventy five was passed from father to son or uncle to nephew it was a sort of secret craft you know , you can
11 Whatever paintings or works of art it possessed were mostly unexceptional portraits of Presidents or notable New Yorkers by Gilbert Stuart , Ezra Ames or John Trumbull .
12 erm and it 's malleable , you can hammer it , you can hammer it into shapes and panel beat it a car or bits of lead you could dress it , you can tap it with a .
13 In a typical 16th century English charter party the owner of the vessel acknowledged , directly or through the ship 's master , that : 1 ) he had let the ship and promised to prepare it , by a fixed date , to take in the goods provided by the charterer ; 2 ) the ship would sail with the first convenient wind to the stipulated port ; 3 ) in accordance with a receipt or bill of lading he would deliver the goods in good condition to the designated person ; 4 ) the ship would remain at that port for a fixed period to take in such goods as the charter party nominee party needed to reload , and that the ship would then return to the port of origin , and deliver the reloaded goods in good condition ; and 5 ) the crew would be as described , and would be furnished with the proper gear .
14 If these flowers were white , strawberry pink or crimson in colour they would be pleasing enough but good heavens , they are all three !
15 A crowd of eager customers would be awaiting his arrival outside the shops and attack him for the particular colour , size or style of dress they had been waiting for .
16 If you pay good money to a psychiatrist or counsellor for advice you are likely to take it seriously .
17 Enough has been said even in this brief review to make the point that when men wished to designate sanctity or degrees of sanctity it was to the hierarchy of precious substances that they turned for appropriate symbols .
18 She found him uncouth and dirty and he often smelt of abattoirs and of the chicken carcases or sides of beef he had been painting .
19 ( a ) A one-page synopsis or summary of the essential argument or line of investigation you intend to follow .
20 No matter how I tried to explain , he could n't see how the odd fifty pound note or bottle of whisky he spread around contributed to that image .
21 Is the media merely a tool that can be used by the dominant group in society to bring about whatever change or lack of change they require or does it , by its nature , shape the influence it has on the population ?
22 Through chauvinism or lack of thoroughness they omitted the many Scottish versions of the rhyme , even though some are known to be very old .
23 You should not feel pressurised by anyone — whether friends or partners — into having sex , or types of sex you do n't want .
24 And he used to come around everyday and kind of size them up and pick the kind of fat juicy ones .
25 I usually play with my own phrasing and kind of jazz it up a little .
26 On these occasions the warden was informed of the number and kind of game they were to take , and it was his duty to keep a check on the number of deer taken , and to inform the king .
27 Rolling Stone was originally a reaction to the underground newspaper look and bit by bit it got art direction and , you know , good illustration , good photography , for this and all that , and then I got in there and pushed the type stuff .
28 From the surviving documentation , annotations on meeting papers , careful notes made of verbal exchanges and copies of correspondence it is possible to reconstruct the broad sequence of events and the serial proposals and counter-proposals which marked a period of intensive and difficult negotiation with neither side being prepared to risk an open breach in relationships which would have been publicly damaging .
29 Staff here are desperate for donations of both food and money to tide them over until the recession ends .
30 The few references and scraps of information we have about the very early recruits suggests that these may have included more girls of middle-class origin and certainly some from orphanages and boarding-schools — girls sometimes from middle-class families fallen on hard times .
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