Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] out the " in BNC.

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1 Brown & Levinson point out the importance for social relationships of establishing common ground and agreeing on points of view , and illustrate the lengths to which speakers in different cultures will go to maintain an appearance of agreement , and they remark ‘ agreement may also be stressed by repeating part or all of what the preceding speaker has said ’ ( 1978:117 )
2 This is because in England there is no statute or code setting out the law governing the continuing care of the terminally ill ; nor are there more than a handful of cases that have been decided by the courts.l None the less , legal principles undoubtedly do exist and obviously condition the choices made by doctors .
3 For single quotes or apostrophes leave out the Shift key .
4 There had been no guard rails and the men had had no experience or instructions to carry out the job .
5 In March , David & Charles brings out The Gardener 's Guide to Growing Hellebores , by Graham Rice and Elizabeth Strangman ( £16.99 , 0 7153 9973 X ) ; in July , Batsford follows with a translation of Martha Ahlburg 's Hellebores ( £19.99 , 0 7134 7058 5 ) .
6 In relation to Chloe , Pauline and Dan lived out the conflicts of their own adolescence .
7 A library , like any other organisation , has a limited amount of manpower and money to carry out the activities required and expected of it ; training is just one way of ensuring that these resources are used in the most effective possible manner .
8 The relationship between r and n brings out the role played by the ‘ intrinsic ’ rate of capital accumulation , on one hand , and the division of estates ( in this equal division model ) on the other .
9 They were moved by their own flesh and blood acting out the motions of birth and parentage with that mixture of awkwardness , ignorance , seriousness and imitation which can be observed in the necessary games of mothers and fathers .
10 Pauline and Pat climb out the window
11 The three of them discussed the pose for the painting and Lipchitz brought out the wedding photograph to help Modigliani decide on the pose .
12 Pulling his sweater up over his nose and mouth to filter out the worst of the smoke , he left the Control and made to ascend the stairs .
13 As well as the arrangements set out in paragraph 5 above , the Council 's Code of Practice on Employee Redeployment and Transfer sets out the detailed arrangements in connection with the transfer/redeployment of employees to other posts within the departments of the Council .
14 This one-off personalised scheme with red bars on the fuselage , wings and tailplane picks out the squadron Cross of Lorraine emblem in planform .
15 After the Sun was formed , piercing heat and radioactivity drove out the icy particles which formed giant balls of gas further out .
16 Kilmuir and Salisbury sounded out the Cabinet one by one in the Privy Council Office .
17 You type in the name and DOS carries out the command .
18 Though an edge is given to the violins , making them sound less sweet in exposed passages than they should , the recording has a fullness and warmth to bring out the brilliance and refinement of the orchestration .
19 The weight of opinion and evidence bore out the view that " Britain has one of the fairest , most effective and most socially accountable forms of cost containment of any country " ( Barr et al.
20 And Mrs comes out the
21 Kate 's family came over from Ireland a long time ago and their closest contact to the soil is the odd spot of weekend gardening , but Kate associates closely with the dispossessed peasantry of old Ireland , and anywhere else for that matter , and taters brings out the culchie in her .
22 I mean I , I heard a stupid story , that instead of like , the , the twenty-seventh , twenty-eight and ninth come over here , but the was still , was still using a radio and stuff taken out the pre war stuff , that 's how far their radio technology and communications come on .
23 Our annual institutional presentations held in London , Edinburgh and Paris mapping out the next phase of company development were also well received .
24 Both Blumler , examining coverage by 31 BBC and ITV regional stations , and Hetherington bring out the extensive nature of these programmes , although performance has varied considerably between the regions , with stations in Scotland , Wales and the North appearing to pay more attention to Parliament than stations in the South or the Midlands .
25 In the first case a series of functional departments , each with its own manager and dedicated to one or more specific disciplines , provide the knowledge and resources to carry out the range of activities needed to develop the new product .
26 A buyer , on the other hand , may well be concerned about such sub-contracting , since one of the factors on which he decided to place the contract with the seller may well have been his perception of the seller 's own quality standards and competence to carry out the contract .
27 She went over to the big , old , white sink in the corner and Joe fetched out the hoe and vanished towards the vegetable field .
28 These are accompanied by handsome systems of mouldings and mosaics spelling out the station names .
29 As she and Marian dug out the vegetables in the pouring rain , they talked of Talbothays and of the sunny green fields and of Angel Clare .
30 You knew everyone who went to work in the early morning — the chappie who came round on his bike and rod to put out the gas lamps or to light them .
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