Example sentences of "[v-ing] rather [conj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it was the same social and economic variables ( low socio-economic status and powerlessness ) that ‘ explained ’ crime ( though in quite a different way — by increasing vulnerability to labelling rather than by increasing actual deviation ) .
2 These needs should be seen as a reason for unifying rather than for dividing educational provision .
3 Low standards of recording rather than of measuring may be the problem .
4 He gives the impression of recognizing rather than of discovering .
5 This book covers the legal aspects of buying a business by acquiring its assets and undertaking rather than by acquiring the shares of the company that operates the target business .
6 It awaited the great mobilisation of savings that railway construction elicited and the parallel arrival of limited liability , but , as Professor Wilson has pointed out , " by advertising the opportunities of the stock market " the dealers of " Change Alley " helped in the long run " to widen the circle of investors as well as of speculators , by creating habits of investing rather than of hoarding and possibly levelled out extremes of fluctuation by increasing competitive bidding for stock " .
7 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
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