Example sentences of "[v-ing] off [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She sat with the chicken pot in her lap , tearing off pieces of the bird and handing them round .
2 The Duke of Dunstable , however , a Wodehouse creation , was never happier than when firing off letters on the subject of the government 's iniquitous rates of income tax .
3 ( Sometimes such a merger may be partially financed by selling off parts of the company — see later in the chapter . )
4 Faced by the Welsh emergency of 1283 , Canterbury province granted a triennial twentieth , and York in 1286 possibly a thirtieth , although they did so reluctantly because they were still paying off arrears of the subsidy of 1279–80 .
5 Klein suggests that ‘ The process of splitting off parts of the self and projecting them into objects are thus of vital importance for normal as well as for abnormal object relations .
6 Stein and his staff had also filled , in principle , the several hundred other posts , but most of these members of staff would not take up their positions until three weeks before the hotel 's grand opening , timed to tie in with a huge party which Stephen was throwing for island dignitaries and specially invited celebrities , Michael Stein had proved his worth yet again in sending off invitations to the party , offering a free week 's holiday to various A-list showbiz and society figures .
7 The threat to employ outside contractors is in line with plans for hiving off parts of the ambulance service sketched out by Mr Clarke during the dispute .
8 Bobo was breaking off pieces of the banana , rolling them around with her lips .
9 The draft document on declaring the party independent says this would not mean breaking off relations with the Soviet party , but would establish a new relationship of partnership instead of subordin-ation .
10 But the city council has said Expo can have all the water it needs , even if this means cutting off supplies to the city itself , a decision which has not thrilled Sevillanos , already resentful of the ephemeral extravaganza planted on their doorsteps .
11 Though he has not officially announced a drugs policy , all indications are that Mr Clinton will turn America 's attention away from cutting off supplies in the Andes to reducing demand at home .
12 She remembered her mother , standing squarely at the front door , fending off supplicants from the village school Parent-Teacher Association , the Darby and Joan Club , the summer Fete ; Greystones never had jumble .
13 The worker then reduces it to its proper thinness by putting its head in the cells on either side of the wall and shaving off layers from the face of it .
14 Scott Quinnell , 19 , was the game 's outstanding forward , and a 50-yard run down the touchline with the ball in one hand and handing off tacklers with the other would have impressed Alan Davies , the Wales coach , who was watching from the stands .
15 Care has to be taken with the adjacent values , which can not be obtained by reading off distances on the graph paper ; they must be obtained arithmetically .
16 Parked somewhere nearby would be a couple of police vans with sniffer dogs and cordoning off parts of the street had become so commonplace that the cops had left reels of white tape and tripods at strategic points just in case .
17 He explained to Gerald that by killing off bacteria in the gut , antibiotics can open the way for excessive growth by Candida .
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