Example sentences of "[v-ing] in and [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From our balcony we could see pots floating through the doorway and the family wading in and out in their bare feet .
2 The ragged figure shook with fury , his breath wheezing in and out of his tiny frame .
3 We slipped along the now four-lane Al Ain highway , winding in and out of the sections which were still in the process of being built .
4 Some of the tunnels must have run for miles , winding in and out of the channels of water that threaded everywhere .
5 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
6 In that era , so much of the day was spent climbing in and out of the correct clothes that there ca n't have been much time left for recreation .
7 But then came Bigwig , twisting in and out of the branches , his mouth full of berries .
8 Some girls were dancing and singing on the beach , leaping in and out of .
9 There were small motor-powered jalboots which hugged the coast , fishing or cargo hopping , but they rarely lifted sail , plying in and out of the Emirates using the region 's cheap petrol .
10 This section is one of the most dramatic , weaving in and out of sheltered coves and exposed headlands .
11 Jim Perrin , interviewing the climber John Gill , refers to how some hypnagogic states have their parallels in situations of action and describes how , on easy routes , Gill ‘ could feel himself weaving in and out of the rock , peering out from the other side of its surface ’ .
12 Patrick Meurdesoif , 42 , was stopped after weaving in and out of rush hour traffic in his 38-ton tanker on the M6 near West Bromwich , West Midlands , town magistrates heard .
13 He was weaving in and out of the cars , jumping over them when they got in his way , his face hard and grim with determination .
14 At the crime prevention panel , I watched a video of a police chase through the centre of Middlesbrough , in which a 14-year-old drove a Vauxhall Astra at 90 miles per hour on the wrong side of the road , weaving in and out of oncoming traffic .
15 It was a boy 's cycle and she was bent low over the handlebars , weaving in and out of the evening traffic .
16 A similar change is occurring in and out of Britain .
17 He was walking in and out of the bays , studying the bookshelves as though that was what he had come for .
18 People were wandering in and out of that room the whole time , he might have been seen . ’
19 He had already advised Donleavy in his bi-weekly reports that Hurley 's security arrangements were derisory , that all sorts of people with no clear allegiance were wandering in and out of NARCOG , ostensibly selling information but just as likely collecting it ; that agents and bona fide informants were being put at risk because of this , and that future DEA or inter-agency operations might well be fatally compromised from the start .
20 He was appalled at their habits , saying they just covered up the dirt by placing new rushes over the old , thus covering the dirt and filth which was caused by animals wandering in and out of the houses .
21 Jackie was off again , gliding in and out of the shadows .
22 They had rolled around in the narrow berth on the unanchored sheet , slipping on the shiny much-worn cheap leatherette surface of the bunk , lurching in and out of one another in a determined kind of way , the only passengers on the boat not to be paralysed with seasickness .
23 They went slowly along the foot of the bank , pushing in and out of the clumps of red campion and ragged robin .
24 One night I was so tired that I fell asleep when he was still pushing in and out of me .
25 Annie had been slotting in and out of the discussion , focusing as much on Sheila as on her desire to make a logical sense out of the argument .
26 At one of these the Bishop of Ostia recalled the highlights of the evening when ‘ fifty reputable whores , not common but the kind called courtesans , supped … and after supper they danced about with the servants and others in the place , first in their clothes and then nude … chestnuts were strewn about and naked courtesans on hands and feet gathered them up , wriggling in and out among the candelabra …
27 ‘ I went to see her , actually ’ Delia Sutherland mused at the pen she was threading in and out of her fingers .
28 Harold was becoming more and more irritable with his wife 's bouncing in and out of bed and he declared that if the mice saw the kitten they might well decide to make a meal of it .
29 A mile or so on , however , and thoughts of Cara began bouncing in and out of her head .
30 Secondly , as we have seen , by allowing the NSA to eavesdrop on British communications ( as it does from the Morwenstow station in Cornwall which scoops up everything passing in and out of British Telecom 's ground station at Goonhilly ) , it allows British ministers to claim that GCHQ does not monitor calls within Britain .
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