Example sentences of "[v-ing] how [det] [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because it seems so obvious , the theorists did not bother to try to find out whether delinquents did in fact hold delinquent values , but concentrated more on explaining how these values came about .
2 For example , a white mother with two children in my study described her strategies for budgeting on benefit in great detail , ending her account by noting how these strategies floundered : ‘ Because he spends his money and we could do with it .
3 Meredith shivered in the damp air , wondering how many merchants had stored their riches here in the past .
4 ‘ It certainly does , ’ she agreed , wondering how many beauties had disappointed him .
5 One can begin on fairly firm ground by asking how many officials had the necessary qualifications and experience for their work .
6 Thucydides fixed the beginning of the war and dated subsequent events by counting how many years had elapsed from the start .
7 If asked to complete an entry in Who 's Who we might wind up with ‘ Walking ; gardening ; wine-making ; opera ; sleeping ’ without even knowing how these things became interests .
8 The chant was so beautiful Athelstan stopped , closing his eyes to listen , until a rough-mouthed carter flicked his whip , bellowing how some men had to work and could n't laze around like stupid priests .
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