Example sentences of "[v-ing] her out [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Images flickered across the disordered screen of her mind — Rune provocatively , dominantly angry at their first meeting ; Rune , eyes shuttered , playing ‘ her ’ song ; Rune , mouth tender , eyes laughing as he had watched the children playing at the funfair in Tivoli ; Rune , seeking her out at her hotel , deliberately drawing her into his life ; Rune , his blond head bent , handling her damaged foot with such tenderness ; Rune …
2 As hefting her out on his back .
3 Leith wondered , as she drove to work the next morning , why she had bothered getting the car out , since she was convinced that , his warning unheeded , Naylor Massingham would waste no time in getting her out of his business .
4 Then his opaque eyes stared once more at his resonator , cutting her out of his attention , and Jezrael was obscurely jealous of the quartz which glowed with fleeting internal light .
5 Spiderglass treated her well on the trip to the spiders of Earth but that was no compensation for ripping her out of her own charmed cocoon .
6 Leith broke off , suddenly appalled that he must think that his cousin Travis was helping her out with her mortgage repayments .
7 It would be a good idea to start taking her out on her own .
8 She began to unfasten the baby 's harness , lifting her out of her chair .
9 ‘ The Keeper 's for putting her out of her misery now , Mr Wolski and from a scientific point of view I 'm inclined to agree with him .
10 As there was very little chance of her returning to the dale , except for occasional visits , Bob had succeeded , with a bit of self-discipline , in putting her out of his mind .
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