Example sentences of "[v-ing] her down [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he was pulling her down over him , turning her in his arms , twining her limbs around his own , filling up her emptiness , tending her craving with all the knowledge he possessed .
2 He clung to her like a clammy spider , pulling her down beside him with unexpected strength .
3 Conscious of a ripping sound , she heard her zip go , then her taffeta skirt was rustling to the floor and he was pulling her down among its glossy folds , his lips marauding over hers so that it was the way it was in the unrequited dreams of the empty nights when everything came down to the touch of him like the still centre of the entire world .
4 He gasped and reached up to her , pulling her down against his chest , and then with a swift movement he turned her beneath him .
5 Slowly he eased himself on to the side of the tub , drawing her down with him .
6 Isabel saw his face go taut an instant before he whipped an arm around her and dived for the floor , taking her down with him .
7 She discovered she was a split second too late in making a hurried scramble to get off the bed , because , in the next instant , Naylor was there with her , pinning her down with his body .
8 He touched her arm , beckoning her down to his glittering eyes , and asked in a rattled whisper , ‘ Miz Boss Lady , you like see Joy 's cock ? ’ and was nearly knocked over by her abrupt straightening .
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