Example sentences of "[v-ing] over [art] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 But he is fuming over the interference in his work of the chief executive , Lionello Celon .
2 Theda asked quickly , frowning over the distress in her face .
3 In other words , little ozone holes , several hundreds of kilometres across , may be forming in middle latitudes during the winter rather than one large hole , several thousands of kilometres across , forming over the pole in springtime as happens in Antarctica .
4 We finished our coffee and watched the seagulls whirling and shrieking over the harbour in the spring sunshine .
5 The stile is stopped up and , and res erm children particularly are clambering over the bridge in order to use the footpath , which actually does end at the stile , which has been stopped up , erm through the nature reserve .
6 The following Monday afternoon , shortly after lunch , two customers poring over the jewellery in Fox 's Lair looked up in surprise as a tall man came into the shop like a whirlwind and gave Elise a brief , unsmiling greeting .
7 Going over the limit in the privacy of your own home just once or twice a year probably wo n't do any lasting damage .
8 Dexter was still mulling over the scene in which Nicola pretended she was taking drugs .
9 What I 'd suddenly recalled was a picture hanging over the altar in the caravan ; this in turn had reminded me of one of the statues over the south porch of the Cathedral .
10 This evening I visited Scouse 's latrine , the mosquitoes and all the flies were having a fieldday ; there were clouds of them hanging over the latrine in the still evening air .
11 ‘ We have a lot of bad paintings hanging over the market in Japan because of this chandelier bidding .
12 There was even a small river tumbling over the edge in a waterfall so wind-whipped that it reached the ground as rain .
13 Instead they cut grass — nasty coarse stuff — belting over the green in fifth gear , Walkman thundering , leaving pubic tufts in the awkward corner by the concrete nymph , then down to the Beetle for a few lagers .
14 He pulled the drapes back , and it helped a little — the mixed twilight and yellow sodium light would at least be enough to prevent Alison from falling over the bag in the middle of the floor .
15 His mother was bending over the baby in the basketwork cradle his father had made for the first Wooldridge child , and she was mopping the fevered little body with a damp cloth .
16 Yet , the irony of the early 1980s — as a deteriorating , but perennial , urban problem rapidly became the most acute aspect of the crisis of mass unemployment — was that a Tory government , willy-nilly , found itself presiding over an increase in state intervention through a variety of agencies .
17 The Conservative government has been accused of presiding over an economy in which the benefits of economic growth have not been distributed fairly .
18 The right hon. Gentleman should not consider resigning over the affair in Dublin .
19 That evening , after supper , I was too tired to write up notes , so I lay thinking over the day in order to make it easier to write them up in the morning .
20 A short bridge carries the track over the spillway , and that was where Ashley and Aline were sitting , legs dangling over the stream in the concrete gully , arms resting on the lower bar of the bridge rails .
21 Only when the last bullet had been fired and when Clint Eastwood had matter-of-factly and deftly dropped the six-shooter back into its holster , flicked the cheroot away and walked into the sunset , did the man in the old jacket and cords , legs dangling over the seat in front , get up and shamble slowly up the darkened aisle .
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