Example sentences of "[v-ing] up [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The dual carriageway is just of the motorway and people are gearing up to go on the motorway .
2 It has the effect of increasing the surface area of a solution , thus increasing its speed of activity , and assisting in the total capability of a solution to suspend dirt much of it ending up trapped in the foam .
3 Apple 's out to prove that its alliance with IBM will revolutionise the computer industry : so it 's offering a free video on the subject and picking up leads in the process .
4 especially if they consider saving up to buy as an alternative .
5 I concede that the current recession and the Government 's mismanagement of the economy have a part to play in the fact that prestige projects are not lining up to locate in the bay .
6 Sleeping in the shade , waking up staring through the leaves at the cobalt blue sky , thinking how impossible things were to paint , how can some blue pigment ever mean the living blue light of the sky ?
7 No drive , no ambition ; the team was just turning up to go through the motions ; and behind the scenes , lots of devious insider stuff . ’
8 BURIAL costs in Middlesbrough are going up to pay for the installation of cameras in flats overlooking cemeteries .
9 Kylie 's support for the green crusade was formed during her childhood years growing up surrounded by the abundance of natural beauty in her native land .
10 Red Cross workers in Oxford are preparing beds and fixing up catering for the evacuees who can stay at the centre for anything up to four months .
11 Stepping up to bat in the eighth inning of game five on Sunday with the scores tied 1-1 , the Giants first baseman had trouble controlling the adrenalin , ‘ but I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the point of release of the ball ’ .
12 Perhaps spotting a chink in Clinton 's armour , the Republicans have further accused him of stirring up feeling against the war .
13 The good news is that giving up smoking for the sake of the unborn baby is all that has to be done to bring an end to these needless deaths and halt the other harm suffered by these most defenceless of nonsmokers .
14 The evidence now suggests that giving up smoking in the seventh decade of life brings health benefits .
15 At this rate he could start thinking about giving up teaching in a year or two .
16 No exactly but I think prior to that , we did do what you 're suggesting , we did go round all the areas , Dick , myself and Malcolm and Chris , walked round all the areas , told told the people what needed tidying up to go in the it was before we had the racking up by the way so it was more messy
17 When the Report was subsequently embodied into an Act of Parliament , many born-deaf people of undoubted ability found themselves debarred from taking up teaching as a profession unless they could first prove they were able to teach in ordinary schools .
18 Erm thank you Mr Mayor , erm I 'm taking up to speak about the community arts .
19 There was much swearing , but the big man finally had a leaf of flame springing up to lick around the dried heather curls from the tinder sack .
20 For the briefest of instants , I was standing up looking in the mirror at the face of a man at the bar …
21 He smiled slowly at her , standing up to come round the table and pull her gently to her feet and into his arms .
22 ‘ Of course it damn well hurts ! ’ she shouted , tears welling up to mingle with the rain .
23 The building society grapevine is buzzing with rumours of foreign predators queuing up to bid for a large British society .
24 According to the Secretary of State , companies are queuing up to move to the bay , but there seems to be no proof of that .
25 Detectives are still following up leads after an appeal for information about Alan Stephen Wild , 38 , in connection with a robbery at the National Provincial Building Society , Bondgate , Darlington , on December 27 .
26 But such was the power of those two softly spoken words that Ronni found her head jerking up to look at the speaker , barely aware of her brother 's muttered response as he hoisted her cases up on to the jetty .
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