Example sentences of "[v-ing] him [conj] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 There was a fine line to walk between protecting him and urging him to self-reliance .
2 I wrote back thanking him and assuring him that there were no hard feelings on my part , but my decision is unchanged .
3 Even when the need in her grew strong in the dead of night and she lay dose to his slack body , caressing him and urging him , he was never able to fulfil the need in her .
4 Now this short note cruelly dashed his hopes : the mysterious writer apologised for not meeting him but asked him to wait amongst the ancient ruins to the north-west of the Tower .
5 The interchange would usually end with Gina kicking Nigel on the shin , clawing him or hitting him if she had something in her hands .
6 Zacchaeus became reconciled to God because Jesus , instead of ignoring him or treating him like an outcast , had deliberately gone out of his way to meet and befriend him .
7 A nurse was scolding him and telling him to sit down and be quiet .
8 ‘ People barely had enough food to live on , but thought nothing of bringing him into their homes and feeding him and giving him somewhere to sleep .
9 When they started making love she protested a little , but he thought this was just talk , since she was kissing him and caressing him .
10 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
11 Henry Angus and John MacDonald , who are both from Northampton , admitted forcing Jason Buck to hand over a cash card , punching him and making him drive to his home , where Angus stole a microwave oven .
12 Story-telling is considered a part of a woman 's magical repertoire — a device she can use to affect the listener , melting his heart , distracting him or binding him to her as the occasion demands .
13 She reflected upon , perhaps only now fully remembered , her sense , in forgiving Jack , of in some way devaluing him , accepting him and loving him as something less than the perfect being she had married .
14 ‘ We did n't want Tim to die without Dominic and Abby seeing him and touching him .
15 I remember his brother catching him and helping him .
16 Anpetuwi , where he had come with his hurt and confusion , and Anpetuwi , which had not disappointed him , taking him and holding him in its gentle heart as a mother held a child .
17 It takes a great deal of sensitivity to provide activities which stimulate the patient 's interest , without exhausting him or making him frustrated if he can not achieve what he wants or what you hope for .
18 She keeps hearing him and seeing him .
19 The claim failed when the EAT held that neither the derecognition of an established trade union , nor the disadvantages for employees resulting from that derecognition , was action taken against Mr Wilson ‘ as an individual ’ for the purpose of penalising him or deterring him from being a union member .
20 Never before had she argued so passionately with a man , hating him and wanting him with an intensity that frightened her .
21 She keeps ringing him and sending him presents . ’
22 I feel like flogging him but want him treated as well .
23 ‘ Mummy , I want Mummy , ’ hitting him and butting him in the stomach with her head , like a little goat .
24 Yeah that 's right , very good , so nine , by pouring out this holy spirit and Jesus , Jehovah was er knighting him or appointing him to be the king of this coming kingdom , thing thus have anointed with the spirit , Jesus became the Messiah , which words in the Hebrew and Greek languages mean appoint , a anointed , therefore he became in fact Jesus Christ or Jesus the United , so , so it was Apostle Peter spoke of Jesus who was from Nazareth , Nazareth , how about anointed them , but all the spirit and power , also by his baptism and water , Jesus was presenting himself to God , to carry out the work that God had sent him to earth to do , what was that important work ?
25 It 's because you love him that you feel like killing him and wiping him out of your life .
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