Example sentences of "[v-ing] on [art] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 So when he turned to her casually in the car , and suggested that they call in at his house for some tea before they parted , Folly found herself leaping on the suggestion with almost indecent haste .
2 And there 's Father — OK , do n't say it , I 'm only telling you there 's FATHER , banging on the door with a fist and calling , ‘ Franz , Franz , what 's the matter with you ? ’
3 She took another breath and yelled , ‘ Hi , there ! ’ at the top of her voice , banging on the door with both fists as she did so — And heard the sound die away into a profound and unresponsive silence .
4 She glanced at the clock , it was a wonder mother was n't banging on the floor with her stick by now , it was way past dinner time .
5 ( Banging on the floor with his fists . )
6 Aunt Bedelia had the bedroom underneath and I did n't want her knocking on the ceiling with a broom handle so I decided for once to put up with his snoring and deep breathing exercises .
7 But be warned : if you own more than one sign , PC Plod could be knocking on the door with a warrant one day .
8 If you are bleeding badly then try to stop the flow of blood by pressing on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool , or some clean material .
9 In the outdoor environment , the dog will be used to walking on the leash with you .
10 I would no doubt see him walking on the cliffs with an ancient spaniel at his heels .
11 Mr Fraser had been walking on the moors with his wife and daughter when he was taken ill at about 5.30pm on Sunday .
12 Almost invariably , when that happens , its blue tail drops off and lies wriggling on the rock with such vigour that the aggressor 's attention is diverted to it , often for sufficiently long for the skink itself to slip free and escape .
13 Apparently , missing Glyn showed how incompetent she was , and she had a rather annoying vision of him going into see Ned Clarke and passing on the information with a sceptical look , a sort of ‘ what will these women get up to next ? ’ expression .
14 This was a man in his late 50s or early 60s , living on a ward with thirty other men .
15 I found myself living on the base with a dozen nationalities thrown together to know our God more .
16 For the uninitiated , this means three or more people sitting around a three-legged wooden table , hands on the table with thumbs and little fingers joined to make a circle , and asking questions to which the table would reply by tapping on the floor with one leg — two taps for yes and one for no .
17 Kirton , though , achieved rather more fame for the fact that he took his own lemons to Athletic park when they did not have the appropriate fruit to go with his gin-and-tonics , and that he watched the game from the in-goal area , puffing on a cigar with a long checked scarf around his neck .
18 Sean , 32 , is pleased with the biggest break of his career and going on the road with one of his all-time favourite groups .
19 I thought she must not like the idea of my going on the plane with her , then coming home every year laden with presents .
20 When she regained consciousness she was lying on a bench with her future sisters-in-law looking down at her .
21 Mr Foster , also of Barnes , was found lying on the floor with the knife that had killed him under his body .
22 There she was lying on the floor with Bonfire of the Vanities under her head and me giving her a gentle kneading — spelt with a ‘ k ’ dear — and we were getting quite absorbed when all of a sudden the door flew open and in he came .
23 The most common of these is lying on the floor with your head supported on books .
24 He had been with Liddie through the various pre-natal classes , lying on the floor with her and learning the breathing exercises .
25 She had clung to the doll tenaciously , until the awful feeling she 'd had once before stole up through her little body from her feet to her head , and the next thing she knew she was lying on the floor with her head in Ma 's lap .
26 Following another violent incident police were called to the White Hart pub , Boreham , where officers found a 20-year old man lying on the floor with a knife still embedded in his back .
27 She felt a fool , lying on the floor with her skirt rumpled over her knees .
28 His brother lying on the floor with his skull crushed .
29 He was lying on the floor with blood coming from his head . ’
30 ‘ I ran into Phil 's house and saw the granddad lying on the floor with a hole in his leg .
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