Example sentences of "[v-ing] with [adj] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Palatable seaweeds in North Carolina have improved fitness if growing with unpalatable competitors less susceptible to herbivory , i.e. one competitor seeming helpful to another , the abundance of the less palatable leading to increases in abundances and numbers of other species .
2 By examining the tensions and difficulties inherent in the role fulfilled by scientists in such groups , this study highlights problems that scientists experience in communicating and co-operating with lay persons even when good initial grounds for mutual understanding exist .
3 The lochans of Scotland are teeming with interesting things too , and I confess to a penchant for peering into dark , peaty puddles at every opportunity in the eternal search for frogs and newts .
4 However , in so many cases , the police and the courts are dealing with persistent reoffenders rather than with first-time offenders , for whom a caution or community service would be an appropriate penalty .
5 Fire crews have been at full stretch dealing with flooded houses mainly in the Cotswolds .
6 The Swindon Works only closed in 1986 and since it can take many years for asbestos to affect people 's health , she expects to be dealing with similar cases well into the next century .
7 It does not respond to other forms of mental or emotional treatment such as analytical psychotherapy , behaviour therapy or general psychiatric group therapy , although any of these may possibly be helpful in dealing with other issues once the primarily disease is in recovery through the Anonymous Fellowships .
8 Both propose legislation aimed at dealing with anti-competitive effects rather than the form of an agreement .
9 He said with nervous acidity : ‘ We 're not dealing with atmospheric hallucinations here , but with an attempt at murder .
10 The question of whether the compulsory audit for small companies should be retained is one on which the views of practitioners dealing with small companies particularly deserved to be heard .
11 It was felt by many politicians and officials that local government , in its recent form , was slow and inept so that the departments dealing with local authorities either developed a mass of controls to enable them to watch over local authorities or actually withdrew services from the local authorities .
12 Constant casting and retrieving with heavy feeders soon sorts out the men from the boys and this reel takes all the pressure with ease .
13 Gen Morillon was also negotiating with local commanders yesterday to try to get aid convoys moving again in eastern Bosnia .
14 The introduction of local cost centres may result in people identifying with departmental objectives rather than the objectives of the organisation as a whole .
15 I am a male working with young children under eight years old and have been involved , to a greater or lesser degree for almost ten years .
16 My experience of working with other nationalities both at Wilhelmshaven and later , when with David Wheeler I had set up the German Fishery Protection Service in the Baltic , also taught me some fundamental lessons .
17 ‘ This is an ideal situation for us , ’ says Gaynor , ‘ having both been working with other companies mainly as dancers having a home setting for us to be creative in our own right . ’
18 We have found an effective way to show the effect of different choices is to split the class into groups working with different bases eg. some using FIFO and some using average cost .
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