Example sentences of "[v-ing] with [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If they had all spent a little of their energy cooperating with staff instead of moaning , they would have got out a lot quicker .
2 The shy young visitor was soon disputing with Wordsworth almost on equal terms ; and next evening , while Coleridge was providing Dorothy with superfluous explanations about the different notes of the nightingale , Hazlitt and Wordsworth ‘ got into a metaphysical argument ’ which may have inspired two of the most genial of the Lyrical Ballads — ‘ Expostulation and Reply ’ , and ‘ The Tables Turned ’ , both of them written ‘ in front of the house at Alfoxden ’ .
3 I remember wandering with Donald somewhere in the East End after we 'd been to the Whitechapel and we saw a group of teddies standing round two middle-aged Indians .
4 And he hopes to retain his place in tomorrow 's Premier League meeting with Middlesbrough ahead of Bruce Grobbelaar and David James .
5 Er but , you know , I , I 'd , as I say , I think er and then if we just , if we can just pick up like the odd I mean , I 've , I 've had a long chat with Anne , we 've had a long , erm meeting with Anne yesterday about it , and she 's gon na start pushing cos you know , she 's really done the Royal upstairs , it 's
6 The ribs should be barbecued well away from direct heat for a good two hours — begin basting with sauce only during the last 15–20 minutes of cooking , otherwise the sauce will taste bitter .
7 It is not the book that you stay up huffing and mewing with laughter over until the middle of the night — that is either Dervla Murphy 's Muddling Through in Madagascar ( Arrow Books , 1990 ) or Sir David Attenborough 's original Zoo Quest to Madagascar , which richly deserves reprinting .
8 HEAVYWEIGHT comic Roseanne Barr was seething with rage yesterday after being snubbed by judges at a top TV ceremony .
9 Something neither short nor long , beginning with V. Somewhere in or near Paris , though how near could be at the mercy of French postal zoning .
10 As I do so , a shaft of light comes from above , sparkling with diamonds just like those on the water .
11 consulting with others elsewhere during new course planning , development , and dissemination
12 The stimulating activity was found in the 1.0 M KCl fraction of the latter column ( lane 14 ) , thereby copurifying with TFIIA over at least five different chromatographic resins .
13 He was also closely associated with the work of George Devine and Tony Richardson at the Royal Court Theatre where he was to design 17 productions , starting with Look Back in Anger in 1956 .
14 Managers are often shrieking you know about what 's happening next rather than you know , all their players are jumping with joy all over each other and you think and they 're saying get in your positions .
15 If the employee has been working for you for up to eight weeks and does not have a linking letter or a Leaver 's statement , phone your Social Security office and ask if the start of the PIW you are dealing with links back to a claim to a Social Security benefit .
16 A third book is about to appear dealing with pain specifically in the neonate including premature babies .
17 Against all expectations , the BBC has also given live coverage to a number of select committee hearings , typically when they were dealing with issues currently in the news , such as the Chancellor of the Exchequer giving evidence to the Treasury and Civil Service Committee on the Autumn Statement .
18 The big regatta dances in the huge grey tent down by the quay in Carrick were just beginning but there were so few days left of the holiday that Maggie preferred to spend them about the house chatting with Rose or her sisters around the fire or talking with Michael out in the front garden among his flowerbeds ; and sometimes during long breaks in the rain they would go out to where Moran was tidying up in the meadows .
19 ‘ It is with a feeling of surprise and wonder , even of awe , that humans become aware of a great intelligence living in the sea ; of marine mammals with a perception greater than that of other animals , more akin to our own , ’ says New Zealander Frank Robson , who has spent many years working with dolphins both in captivity and in the wild .
20 The purpose of these days will be to join with others who are interested in finding out about the work of Cafod or Faith and Justice and to support and encourage those working with poverty both in our own diocese and in other parts of the world .
21 We are committed to our Strategic Intent of becoming the world 's foremost brewer , working with partners all over the world to continue providing quality products and an excellent service to an increasing number of customers .
22 Working with children all over Britain
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