Example sentences of "[v-ing] that the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 He might not have thought he deserved the Man of the Match award on Wednesday night , but there can be no denying that the return of Gascoigne has transformed Taylor 's England from a farce to a force .
2 Nevertheless there is no denying that the threat of removal has radically altered the relationship between chairmen and committee members .
3 If this seems too severe , there is no denying that the development of the industrial co-operative sector has had little reason over the years to feel grateful to the Consumer Movement .
4 In taking this view we are not denying that the loss of liberty may actually be necessary in a few extreme cases and this should only be where the child presents a significant danger to him or herself or where there is a significant risk of major further offending and severe damage to community .
5 You can not help noticing that the incidence of fatalities among Boyd 's artistes seems remarkably high , even by the alarming standards of the pop business .
6 that what 's happening that the end of ninth year is an important time in terms of er er measuring er their pupils er relative success .
7 In all these cases catalogues can be amended simply by a general notice explaining that the groups of materials have been moved to remote storage .
8 Because Jo 's father was English and Lorna Lewis gave many interviews explaining that the secret of keeping a marriage together in Hollywood was to make sure your husband was the king of his own home , they had chosen a house built in English baronial style , with walls mantled with ivy , black exposed timbers , fireplaces big enough to hold a conference in and small diamond-paned windows through which the sun streamed defiantly in brilliant narrow shafts .
9 ‘ And yet people scoff nowadays at the old traditional ways , sayin' that the day of the match-maker is gone .
10 A sculpture representing a king and queen was broken by the builder 's labourer who found it , revealing that the metal of the faces was only about a millimetre thick .
11 Understanding that the swings of mood are perfectly natural and that time is needed to work through all the stages helps the process .
12 Understanding the second sentence involves understanding that the object of ‘ likes ’ is ‘ dog ’ , a word which appeared earlier .
13 It is in this felt understanding that the image of God in man , obscured by the disintegration of sin , is regenerated .
14 No one is disputing that the number of tournaments has increased and with it comes an overall increase in the numbers of people playing in them .
15 It was a brief letter from an address in Chelsea , telling him that the writer had heard he was looking for a sibling , affirming that the writer of the letter was probably that person , and suggesting a meeting .
16 Following the sale of the cargo and the payment of the net proceeds , U.S.$2,353,991.95 , into court , nothing further was done in the action until 16 January 1992 when Crossman Block issued a summons as ‘ solicitors for the Republic of Somalia ’ applying that the Republic of Somalia be joined as a party to the action , that the buyers of the cargo be also joined , presumably so that they could be bound by any decision of the court , and that
17 The UK-based Save the Children Fund criticized the UN operation , maintaining that the efforts of the various agencies within the UN were unco-ordinated .
18 Modern scholars have tended to see the Revolution in a more conservative light , stressing the key role of the Tories in bringing about the Revolution and maintaining that the powers of the Crown were not significantly redefined in 1688 – 9 .
19 1.6.4 to permit any duly authorized representative of upon reasonable prior notice to enter into any of its premises where the Licensed Software or any materials relating thereto are stored for the purpose of ascertaining that the provisions of this Agreement are being complied with by ;
20 Israel began to integrate elements of the military government into its own civil ministries , proving that the kind of autonomy it had in mind implied less rather than more Palestinian control over their affairs .
21 He will not suppose that there is any possibility of proving that the principle of utility is true in any strong sense , but will put it forward as a guide to life which he endorses and , as a philosopher , seeks to make precise and free of confusion .
22 In Simmons v. Potter ( 1975 D.C. ) the defendants , second-hand car dealers , succeeded in proving that the commission of the offence was due to ‘ reliance upon information supplied to him ’ but failed to prove that they themselves had taken ‘ all reasonable precautions , ’ etc .
23 She remained an indispensable member of William 's household after his marriage ( 1802 ) , sharing the vicissitudes of the family circle , and proving that the role of housekeeper and copyist was not incompatible with her own creative life .
24 Baudrillard goes even further than this by suggesting that the whole of contemporary life is dedicated to consumption and communication in a way which has become wholly disconnected from meaning and content .
25 Eliot returned to familiar themes in suggesting that the morality of the Morte Darthur was of that primitive type which was essential , whereas modern manners were things of the surface only .
26 Inevitably oversimplifying , I would summarize what I have tried to say by suggesting that the schooling of science has produced three kinds of people , whose interrelations have up till now led to opposition to any attempts to realize the emancipatory potential Carlile saw .
27 Another consolidating feature of the work on show is an apparent preoccupation with the relationship between creativity , subjectivity and identity — a concern developed in the psychoanalytic writing of Julia Kristeva — suggesting that the activity of creatively reworking existing cultural codes is inescapably interwoven with the processes underpinning the formation and continuous realignment of our sense of self .
28 He also develops Foucault in suggesting that the classification of space ( what he calls its ‘ regionalisation ’ and ‘ sequestration ’ ) is intimately bound up with these forms of surveillance and control .
29 Over the past years , many claims have been made suggesting that the inclusion of some particular food in a slimming diet would specifically help overweight people to shed weight more quickly and effectively .
30 Much foreign press comment , most of which was highly sceptical both of the referendum results and of the motives behind it , focussed on the issue of Western Sahara , suggesting that the inclusion of the territory 's people in the voting , and their apparently ready participation , could be shown as a further proof of their supposed attachment to Morocco .
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